Surgery is Monday
I have two days left before surgery. My surgery is scheduled for Monday 10/18/04 at 9:00 am. I was just sitting here remembering the first time I got on this sight and wished I could be one of those people who had a date. I thought, "this will never happen" and now it is. Of course, I am starting to get a little nervous, but I will not change my mind. I have had coworkers come to work sick this week, and I have managed to avoid getting the flu or a cold. I had my last Dr. appointment and last blood test. I just have the good ole bowel treatment tomorrow and antibiotics on Sunday, then the big day. I have the support of many good friends and family, but if you have an extra minute, would you pray for me and pray for the surgeon to do his miracle. I should be home by Wednesday and if able, will post how it went. This is a dream come true, but one that I will have to work on the rest of my life.
You are almost there!!!! The journey is long, but so worth it!!!! In ten months I have went from 293 to 165.....never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that!!!! I wish nothing but the best for your upcoming surgery.....You will be in my prayers........wishing you a super speedy recovery too!!! Make sure to keep us updated on your progress and know we are all here for ya if you need anything......Take Care

I'll certainly be thinking of you & praying also. I'm confident all will go well as you have a great surgeon & the staff at Sartori are no slouches either.
Hopefully, you'll feel up to joining us at Bishops tomorrow night so we can give you a good sendoff. If the cleansing & antiobiotics make that impossible, we'll understand but rest assured we will be thinking of you.