Feels SO odd
To be only 8 pounds away from being able to be weighed on my physician's scale!!!! I am at 358 right now!!! I have lost 139 pounds since 2/6/04~~!!! I could probably have done a lot better, you know we all have slip-ups, but I am just amazed at how well I have done! I am at the point now where 100 more pounds and I will be a total success in my eyes! I know that I will still be overweight, but to be at 250 is SUCH a DREAM! and now it is attainable!!!
I have lost 167 pounds since last November! UNBELIEVABLE! When I hit the 200 pound mark I am getting the new diamond/tanzanite ring at Wal Mart! I have become obsessed with jewelry now! LOL...I have 6 rings, this will make 7 and I STILL have 3 fingers to fill!! LOL!!! My hubby better get a second job!! He won't be able to afford me!!!
But you know, it is SO nice to be able to NOT turn to food every time I have an emotion happening! I used to celebrate diet success by , duh, going out to eat! Now I am comfortable celebrating success by doing other things!
My most joyful way to celebrate will be being able to bring a child into this world! We have been trying for 6 years...now that the weight is coming off, I am ovulating again, and we may finally have success in the not so distant future!!
I am SO happy! Just had to share!!
Wow~what an awesome story.......you are doing great!! I always say I could have done a lot better too, yes we do all have slip-ups, plus I never jumped on the exercising bandwagon like I needed, and still NEED to! 250 is an awesome goal, and I can't think of any better way to celebrate than to be able to have a baby......truly amazing! My baby making days are done but I wish you the best on yours.......I still turn to food a little to often, happy, sad, bored, you get the idea....I am working on it!! I am glad you already are doing good with that aspect. Rings seem like a very nice way to reward yourself, maybe I can talk hubby into that one too.....lol!!! Have a great day and Take Care

Dear Tracie:
Congratulations on your wonderful loss so far!!! Keep up the good work, and you WILL see your goals come to pass!! Won't be much longer before you hit the 200's!! This surgery truly is life saving, and gives us back our lives!! Everyone has difference amounts of weight to lose, but we're all going through the same types of struggles, so this is a place of support and understanding, that helps in our journeys towards better health! Good luck and hopefully in the near future, we'll be hearing some exciting news of a special delivery!!! DeeAnn
Great work! Isn't it nice to feel so positive about yourself? You should be very proud. We all have our slips now and then. But if you add some regular vigorous exercise to the agenda, it can make the slip ups a lot less noticable, at least I think so?!
I'm celebrating my 1 year this week and I can't get over how positive and happy I feel either. I'm not yet to goal but really am ssssoooo close!
Excited for your possibilities - I've known several folks who've had success with in-vitro and have shared their anxieties over conceiving. Best wishes in this arena for you and your husband.
Take care now and keep with the program. Keep sharing! It's very nice to hear from you.
-Deb W.