Hi Jodi,
I'm no doc so not going to say what it could possibly be. This happened once with a piece of scrambled egg & me. I kept vomiting but the blasted piece wouldn't come up & it finally passed that night! Took all day for it to go. Best thing for you to do is to see the doc (who ever is on call) & see what they have to say. If you aren't satisfied with the results or it keeps happening go to outpatients. Could be a stricture. Take care of yourself & keep us posted.
I have had that pain before, did you chew the chicken thoroughly when you were eating? I think you should definitely call your doc and ask his opinion, but if the food was not chewed enough, your pouch might have had to really pu**** through, causing some discomfort. Best plan might be to do lots of liquid-y foods, like cottage cheese etc so that area isn't stressed (if in fact that is what the problem is) and really REALLY chew your food thoroughly. I used to have a problem with gobbling food and not chewing it as much as I should (Hell, I STILL do that and I am 2 1/2 YEARS out!) and then I would have a dead weight feeling in my pouch. If you need a reminder to take longer chewing, set a little timer to go off every 2 minutes or so and do not take a bite until the timer goes off... I got that advice at a weight loss support meeting and it worked for me. I am not a health professional, so definitely do what your doc says. Good luck and keep us posted!!
With an obstruction (what I have been told...I AM NOT A DOCTOR>>LOL) If you eat, you throw up.....I have thought I had an obstruction numerous times. Everytime they ask are you bloated, like an extended stomach, are you throwing up, do you have a fever? Those are the major signs.....I know after I get something stuck, or puke, or **** off the pouch, going back to liquids for 24 hours is what my surgeons reccomend, you need to give your pouch time to forgive ya....lol!!!! You could always call your advice nurse and ask, but I would just give the ole pouch a break for the day and just concentrate on fluids! I am bummed the protien didn't work out, everyone is different! I know people swear that the nectar is a godsend and it makes me gag literally....lol!!! Did you try them hot too? Maybe you will just never find a protein drink you like, you'll just have to be sure to make your meaks count. Carbwell makes a snack/breakfast bar that has like 10 grams of protein....The cinnamon raisin one is good, maybe eating something like that once a day can help up your protein levels.....Also the dexatrim ALL-IN-One bars have like 17 grams of protein and are pretty good.....You can get both of those at Wal-mart.....The cereal bars are in the poptart....breakfast bar aisle and the dexatrim bars are in the aisle with all the protein bars and slim fast and stuff.....the bars come in three flavors...lemon(my fave) chocolate tofee, and rasberry and white chocolate.....I hope you find something to help you out! Take Care

You mentioned that the chicken got stuck in your throat & it finally got to your stomach. It's no wonder you had pain. We need to chew our food so much that basically it's just a slurry when it goes down. It can't be at all solid because our tiny pouches don't work like our old stomachs. Do you know that the new opening out of the pouch is only the diameter of a pencil? Probably you just irratated everything & if you do like everyone else is suggesting & go back to liquids or really soft foods, the pain will go away. By all means call the office. Even if your doctor is gone, someone will be able to help you & give you advice.
Please don't take this as a scolding but we have to be very careful. Accept this as a learning experience. This or something similar has happened to all of us probably. Heck, one time I ate an apple & thought I chewed it well. However, I suddenly got very uncomfortable & threw it up outside. Imagine my surprise when I saw the little plastic sticker laying there on the ground! Not only were there big chunks of apple but I swallowed a sticker!
Not a good idea.