time to think
i have been sitting here tonite thinking of the year that has gone by. on how many new friends i have made on here. i wander sometimes where some of them have gone to. but one thing we forget after we have surgery is how much we needed and depended on this board. i know there are days when i am down and if i come on here i dont want to post and bring everyone down. My new theory is you know i may have it bad somedays but there are other people out there that have it worse then me. so i am trying to stay positive on life....
there are days where it is hard but we all have to remember we have been there done that. i honestly do have days where i just cant handle coming on the board cuz people take the things the wrong way or on a certain day i take it to personally. I then stop and remember i am the same person i was a yr ago. I do feel this surgery isnt just a stomach surgery it is a mind surgery. we have to stop and think alot and sorry i have days where i really dont want to think. We come here for support and we need to give support right back.
i remember coming on here a basket case alot of times as alot of you remember but i got the support alot of support. And when i had complications i was stunned on how many people cared. My sister would bring me print outs from my support page i would sit in the hospital and cry cuz people do care and they do pray.
I will be honest with you right now I have had a lot happening right now and i wander how much more can i handle. I have been put down on this board for some of the things i have done. It broke my heart cuz some of you that really know me my heart is as big as i use to be if not bigger. I will give you a highlight of the last two months. My sister set me up (in a bad way not a good way) and we are no longer talking, my ex is taking me to court for the 8th time this yr, my mom stopped talking to me (but we have made up), my boyfriend of two yrs dumped me after i visited him but he waited and wrote me. so this is why i havent been on here posting. but cuz of all this i am taking my life and saying hey you know what yeah it is bad but there is someone that has it worse. so i am going to try to spread happiness around cuz honestly someone has to....
ok now i have put you all to sleep i will end.....Have an awesome week!!!!!!!!! if anyone needs a hug or to talk i am here no matter what time or day i will help if i can........your friend, lynda
I can't think........It is Monday morning for crying out loud! lol
We all are human and have lives, and most of us have some sort of problems....I have been dealing with a lot right now too!!! I learned something about myself (thanks to Andrea for pointing it out
) When I am depressed I don't get on the boards and post, I don't do much really....I am now making it a concious effort to do stuff when I am feeling down, like getting on the boards and trying to help others! I am under a lot of stress right now, but this is relaxing....plus I hit the gym to blow off some steam....I am having a hysterectomy on Thursday.....trying to get the house in order....bills paid.....kids care in order...you catch my drift! We have all changed a lot with this surgery....hopefully we all appreciate life more and are happier! Have a great week!!

Oh my so sorry to make you think on a mondy morning really sorry....lol
and i am so sorry to hear you have surgery on thursday if you need anything let me know.....I remember when my mom had hers done personally i hope i have have to have it done. will be praying for you on thursday.....and your family......you have a great week also.......lynda