Me- Checking In!
Well Hello All! It's been forever since I have posted - I have tried to read the board as much as possible - been busy shopping! I got a load of money from my disability settlement and bought a brand new living room set and my Christmas presents. I also bought my first lawn mower - a walk behind for next year so I will use it for excercise. Good thing I have a small If I get real energetic I will offer my services to my neighbors. I as well as some of you have been stuck for quite a while at the same weight since my surgery on August 11th of this year. I lost as far as I know - 43lbs since then. I had a problem around Labor Day of my left leg swelling up and being red - they checked for blood clots twice and I'm fine - thank God! They put me on 325mg of aspirin a day to prevent them, but that is causing extensive bruising. I look like someone beat me up. But that is the blood thinning property of the aspirin. I'd rather look beat up than have blood clots. I tried on my jeans and sweatpants from last year and they are actually a little baggy - it was good to see and feel that! I'm going to start excercising regularly at the local Rec Center 3-4 times a week - Water Walking - bought a new swimsuit to show off! I've joined some dating sites and some guys are very accepting of a person with weighty issues - this one guy I'm talking to has a brother and sister-in-law that has had the surgery so he is very supportive. Can't wait for my new life to begin - but it is starting! I'd love some support for my little pause in loss of poundage! We should call plautues PIP- "Pause In Poundage"! Well I hope everyone has a nice weekend!

Congratulations Carol!
I was told I couldn't take aspirin or any aspirin products without taking pepcid AC because Asprin will have a tendency to give you stomach ulcers. but that's what my surgeon told me.
Dating? I have had no luck. They look at me and they would run off. I hope someday I'll find that someone special like you have.
Well, need to go and do my walking.
I had surgery 12-22-03 started at 350 and now down to 230. Had mine in Grinnell, Iowa with Dr. Eibes
Take Care
Lisa Young
Thanks for responding Lisa!
Well my surgeon has me on pepcid for the rest of my life - he does that with all his patients. I also take entera coated aspirin - I think that is also suppose to help with the possible ucler situation. He has me taking 20mg of pepcid daily and 2 tums a day. I never had a problem with acid reflux or anything - it is just a precation he takes.
Have a great weekend!

I read your profile, it looks to me that it needs updated. Shows that you were supposed to get married in September and I also think your status does not show post-surgery.
Congrats on the success thus far and in the future!!!
AWESOME! A pause is simply a moment in time, the weight will continue to fall off!!!
You go girl!
Look at you, girl, going out and buying a lawn mower!!! Mowing my yard was one of the first things that I did that took some energy. I just loved it. I'm certainly glad that your doc caught the possibility of clots. Aspirin must be a pain in the butt, but at least you know you are safer now.
About the PIP
Hang in there - we all have those pauses! To try to boost loss, you can up the fluids, try more or different types of exercise and log what you are eating. I'm sure that you are doing fine - your body is just getting used to your changes.
Hang in there, hon, the weight will continue to fall off soon! Congrats on the loss so far.
God bless,