Just being me on a vent

Your right Carolyn, it amazes me how people can be so vicious about things. We all pretty much are in the same boat as far has having the disease of obesity and having surgery. It's that aftercare where things start to fall apart, like little leaks in the boat before you know people are spending so much time blaming others that pretty soon the boat SINKS.
WEll enough. I stick to this site.
My son is just starting in band this year so I am excited I hope he gets into teh marching band etc. Take care have a great week!
We do have a pretty friendly family here on the Iowa boards, don't we?? I read on the main boards sometimes and only post on occassion. I am so afraid I might say something to make someone mad. Don't want to do that! Like others, I come here for support and am thankful that everyone is so kind.
Blessings to you and that wonderful marching band!
God bless,