Question for the group
I was wondering if anybody else has developed a 'hot' tooth since their WLS. I eat a lot of really HOT spiced foods - as in Habenero peppers. I make a lot of salsa with Habenero peppers, have even made a hard candy with Habenero in it. Stuff so hot that nobody else can eat it. I couldn't eat anything over mild salsa from the store before the surgery.
I have a quart canning jar in the kitchen about half full that has about 70 dried and ground habanero peppers in it. The last time I made salsa with it, I used 1 1/2 teaspoons of the powder to about 2 quarts of salsa and it was too hot for anybody else to eat but was fine for me if not just a little too tame!! Have even eaten a whole raw Habanero pepper and then gave wife Carol a big wet kiss - she complained about it for half an hour (Carol says 'I didn't appreciate it either-ha ha").
So have anybody else have a HOT tooth??
Hi Lester,(or is it hot lips?!
Well not quite that hot but I'm liking spicy stuff more. And SALT! I've always been a salter but I went through a phase (month to 6 wks) I couldn't keep enough olives in the house. This surgery is really a mystery isn't it? BTW how are you doing? Did you get to the bottom of your med probs with the weight loss? Hi Carol!
Hope both of you are doing ok.

Thanks for the reply. Doing pretty good. One year anniversary on the 6th of October. Maintaining between 177-185 pounds. Feel 150% better than I did a year ago. Don't know why I can eat such spicey food now when I couldn't before but I don't mind it because I think the spice helps rev up the metabolism. Don't know what med problems you mean. How have you been doing? We have been so busy lately that we haven't had much time or energy to get on the computer. Trying to get house fixed up a little more so we can get it refinanced - looks like it is going to happen finally.
I have always enjoyed everything hot......Tho I have to admit habanero is a little hotter than I usually care for!!! My only problem is not being able to drink after I eat......boy it is hard running around with an on fire!!! I love pico de gallo, and I make it all the time.....the hotter the better!!! Do you grow your own habanero's?? I don't usually buy them, but I am always open to trying a new sauce at least your recipe if you would or email it to jesinjay@mchsi. com Take Care

Grew our own habaneros this year - found some plants locally and gave it a shot. A guy here in town also grew some and tossed them our way. I do my own drying and grinding to make the dry mix. No written recipe - just a mix of dried/ground peppers, tomatos, onions, cucumbers, green beans. The mix is good - control the heat by the amount of habaneros mixed in. If you want to try something really good, I always loved red hot cinnamos as a kid- find a good cinnamon flavored hard candy recipe (if you dont' have one I can send you a copy of mine), take a teaspoon of dried/ground habaneros, sifted, and add to the candy. Makes a killer cinnamon candy. Everybody that likes the HOT really likes the candy.
I just use a basic salsa recipe and add the habanero to my taste.
I also make a fruit salsa (without the habaneros) that is really good on scrambled eggs.
Next mild/human batch you make call me - I love salsa.
I am totally opposite from you (but I am only 3 months post op) but I am/use to be a fan of the ever lasting hot. Now I can only do medium to little hot then I have to back off. You are talking to the girl that use to shake hot sauce on fried chicken (it's a southern thing) Now when salsa is way to hot it hurts too bad. Atleast you don't have a sweet tooth.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I'm burning up just reading your post. Poor Carol - to kiss her after eating that pepper! Got a funny - my hubby once picked and ate a habanero pepper and then went potty. I think that it was 3 baths later before he quit hurting!
Nope - I don't do hot - but have tried some of Jesi's spicy pork rinds. I can tolerate them, but don't like them much.
Blessings to you,