good day sad day~
Hi All....I had a great day yesterday, went shopping with a friend and got another tattoo! Yep its official, Chicago..the band is now a part of my body LOL! I have to tell ya though it hurt like H*** but it sure is perty! As for the shopping, got a couple of new bras (so the girls with be happy lol) and a couple of new sweaters size M...and a new pair of jeans, size 6!!! A GOOD DAY!
Today is my mom's birthday....she will be gone 2 yrs. in November...oh how I miss her!!!! *SIGH*
Janet Schmidt
Hello Janet,
How are you looking forward to that concert with you. I want to get a tattoo but im chicken,lol I love shopping now that I can buy smaller clothes. congrats on the jeans your looking good sorry about your mom I would be so depressed if my mom was gone we are real close i'm going to hate for that time to come. just remember we are here for you. take care see ya soon
Sorry about your mom. Those anniversaries are never easy. My grandma has been gone 23 yrs and I still miss her terribly.
Congrats on the size 6! I don't think I've ever been a size 6 except maybe as a toddler! I'll be happy with a 12! Just to be able to shop in ANY store and not a plus size one will be great.
So just where is this tatoo?????
Well, the sad stuff first, I can relate to the 2 years. Remember when I walked the Relay for Life this summer? That was the 2 year anniversary of my dad's death. I would love to hear his voice again ... It seems like just yesterday that he battled with cancer, yet it seems like such a long time ago that I was able to give him a hug and have him yell at me not to smash his cigs (in his shirt pocket). Just remember the good times you had with your mom and the things about her that make you smile. Hang in there and know I am here for you. Call if you need to - you have my cell phone number.
Now, about those new clothes - - - - - size 6?????????????????????? I can't even imagine!!!! Where's the new tat? Did you do the top of your foot - cuz I can attest to that one hurting like H*#& ! I'm sure that you are just giddy that now Chicago will go with you wherever you are!!! Figures that you had to get that done before the concert. (When is that again?)
Congrats on the tiny sizes!
Blessings and hugs,
Hiya GF! THanks for the support, don't know what I would do w/o you all! I know Iam being selfish by missing her sooooooooooooooo much and wanting her here with now she is healthy again and with many love ones in heaven, who need her also! We too lost our dad to cancer 3 yrs ago, so I too know how hard that is also.....I too miss him dearly!
My new tat is on my ankle, it still hurts lol. Oh how I love Chicago...the band lol!!! The concert is Oct. 27th!!! Am hoping to go, hoping David will be done with harvest by than, ya know I hate to go w/o him as he reaps the benefits after the concert lol.
Hey gf did you ever find out anything with the numbness???? Please let me know as I still have it once in awhile!
Love ya,
Janet S
ps email me your phone no. again please!!! I have a new cell phone so will email you my new no. ok!