Thinking about it?
Hello,I have been thinking about getting this surgery,but it is kind of scary!My sister had this done years ago and I watched her go thru he**,I know things have changed thats why I am considering it,I have to do something I am over 100 lbs over weight!Anyone have anything they can tell me to eleveate some fear?
It is scary at is a major operation, and most importantly, it permanently changes your life.
The surgeons are very good at doing the surgery now, and managing complications. There are excellent surgeons in Omaha that I trust completely!!
I was pretty scared when I first started considering it, but now that I have met the docs, set a date, and got approved, I am not scared...just excited....
Welcome to this very friendly Iowa Board!!!

Congratulations Sheryl, on your decision to have the surgery. Six months from now you will wonder why you didn't do it sooner. Just don't do what I did... and feel so good after surgery that I was speed walking the halls of the ward... and they kept me two extra days to make sure that I hadn't torn something loose. No, I had not and I felt fine. Best of luck to you...

Dear Lori:
Bariatric surgery is much improved over the original surgeries done years ago. The procedures have changed and are much safer than before. Many of us who are morbidly obese are at greater risk from our weight than the surgery itself. It is major surgery, but well worth the risk. I had severe sleep apnea, high blood pressure, join problems,shortness of breath upon exertion. I had open rny surgery April 2. I am 5 1/2 months out, and have lost 91 lbs! I walk or exercise 40 minutes a day! I'm off blood pressure meds, no longer use my cpap, and generally feel great!! I encourage you to seriously consider WLS. It means a lot of changes in your lifestyle, but the payoffs more than make up for any thing "sacrificed"
I might not be able to eat a large pizza any more, but no longer have to live with the shame and guilt that came everytime I stuffed myself to the point of being sick. No more worries about fitting in seats at the movies, or restaurants!! Best of all, feeling good about myself, instead of ashamed!! Best of luck to you, and hope you will check into this more, for you!! DeeAnn 284/193/150
Hi Lori,
Welcome! Did you get together with Janet the other day? Dr. Shinnerl was my surgeon also, I loved him! This surgery has changed so much over the years. I would do it over again in a heartbeat. Like alot of things to me it can be a lot of mind over matter, you can make it work & be successful or make it your own hell. Personally, I think if you have faith in your surgeon that is 1/2 the battle. Like any surgery it's scarey. There will be a support meeting at the Wellness Center in Cherokee next Tuesday night at 7, I'm going to try & be there this time, so maybe we will meet. Keep us posted & if you have any questions please ask away.
Hi Carolyn,Yes I did get together with Janet the other day,I enjoyed it.She looks wonderful doesnt she!I am still seriously considering this surgery....I need to,I feel and look horrible!!But I dont have the faith in the surgeon thats in this area like you all do...(he pulled a ****ty on me twice before)and I dont know if I can trust him again,cuz I have tryed to a couple of times for different reasons!!But that is another story.Thank you for answering me and with some luck maybe I can be a success story also!Please send me some prayers,I think I am going to need them!Thanks again and nice to meet you,Lori
Hi Lori,
Welcome to the Iowa boards - a very wonderful place full of support! This surgery is definitely a life changing event. However, it is also a lot of hard work to make the healthy lifestyle changes necessary for success. I'm sure that if you are committed to it, you will do wonderfully! Like everyone else has said, the benefits are wonderful!! When we go out to eat (rarely), I don't have to ask for a table, but can slide right into a booth. I can climb up the playground to play with my kids and can chase down my 2 year old when he runs out into the road. I have more energy than I ever dreamed possible and love the way that it has affected my hubby
Continue to research and remember that we are here in the process.
God bless,

Lori, I too was scared and didn't know weather to have the surgery or not. I can only say that I'm very glad that I went ahead with the surgery. Now that I have been through it I would do it again in a heart beat. My life has change so much thanks to the good doc and his staff. I can now go into Walmart and buy clothes right off of the rack and they fit. I have gone from a 54 inch waist to a 38 inch waist and from a XXXXL to a size L shirt since October first of 2003. I no longer need medication for diabetes or high blood pressure. I can now fly on an airplane and fit between the armrest and buckle the seat belt without an extension. People now smile and say hello in passing instead of snickering and looking the other way. For me, life after surgery is great and I would do it over again. Now I can watch my grandkids (6) grow up and marry. Life is so much nicer now. All I can say is put your fears aside trust you doc and GO FOR IT. You will have some rough times but in the long run IT IS WORTH IT. The benifits far out weigh the negitives.
Hiya GF! Welcome aboard!!! You've come to the right place for support, these ppl are fantastic!!! It is very normal to be nervous and anxious, but I think you are going in the right direction with your health problems...Iam proud of you! I only hope and pray that Dr. S does right by you and proves what a good surgeon and Dr. he is, I for one think he is the BEST! If ya want me to go to your consult with him, you know I will all you have to do is ask. Iam here for ya and will be through it all gf!
Love ya,
Janet Schmidt