9/20 Roll call and goals
Good morning everyone. Hope that things are going well for you this fine Monday morning. How did you do on your goals last week? I did pretty crummy, except for the exercising, (I'm still hooked!) Eating was okay, but I did not keep a food log at all. I also am still stressing at work because I want to be a team player and do what's best for my students at the same time. So, here are goals for the week:
3) Get more fluids in.
4) Try to stay positive about work.
5) Love up on my hubby and my kids!!
Boy, do I have my hands full with those goals! Will absolutely love # 5, though. Now, what are your goals?
Question of the week: What do you do when you are stressing? How do you handle your stress? Do you grab for food?
I discovered yesterday after a rough shopping trip at Wal-Mart with my two little ones being absolutely rotten, that I still grab for food. Fortunately, it was a protein bar - and not even a whole one - but I certainly did crave a ton of other junk! Thank God that I was able to gather strength enough to resist those cravings! I look forward to your responses to give me some more ideas on stress management.
Have a great week and God bless,
P.S. Sheryl E., and all other "newbies" and "lurkers", hope to see you posting goals or at least checking in with us!!

One of my goals last week was to report back this week!!! Here I am. Normally when I do not follow through with my goals, I dont post on this.
I didn't get the exercising in like I had wanted! But tonight me and family are going to the Y come hell or high water.....no more excuses! I also made a menu for the day and I am going to stick with it! I plan to do that all week.....really track what and when I am eating, kinda hold myself accountable! So those are my goals....and of course to report back here next week
Andrea I made the pop tart thing with the black berry jam stuff.....I only had two bites or so.....I would have loved more, but Jason could not help himself....JERK!!!! So it was GREAT!! I still cannot believe he ate the WHOLE thing! I am gonna start calling him my COWboy.....lol!
When I am stressed, yes I do tend to go for food still! I think that will be my hardest habit to break, I really need to work on it! Stress and boredom are my two biggies that I need to work on!
Everyone have a great week!! Take Care

Are you trying to say that you have the pre-op jitters? Don't worry, it's normal - we've all been there and done that. At least you aren't turning to food to handle the stresses. I'm glad to hear that you are working with a counselor. I find that I need to continue to see a therapist and I am 9 1/2 months out from surgery. I'm sure that we will soon be working on body image because I'm told that mine is WAYYYYYYYYYyy distorted!!!!!
Anyway, glad that you are posting and not hiding under a chair.
God bless,

Glad that you posted. I can certainly understand why you may not have been getting in all the exercise with your busy life and everything going on with you health-wise. I hope you got to the gym tonight. What a good idea to plan an actual menu. I do for breakfast and lunch, and really, I know what I am going to make for supper, but, I need to plan more WHEN I am going to eat as well as WHAT I am going to eat. The weekends are still really hard.
Tell your little "COWboy" that it's no fair he ate all of that fruit tart (not pop tart, you silly!) No one had better touch mine, except Mark, that is. And, if he eats too much, he is in trouble. Really, I do share, just no one likes it as well as I do.
I can relate to eating out of both stress and boredom. Kudos for you for being a "stay at home mom". I couldn't do it full time unless we had padlocks on all the cupboards and the fridge and Mark had the key. I'm just glad that the cupboards at school don't yet know my name because the ones here at home certainly would yell for me all summer!!!
Anyway, glad you're here - we'll talk soon,
God bless,
Andrea and everyone:
Last week got past me , so I didn't post my goals
I have doing pretty good with exercise, I average 5-6 days a week, both cardio and strength training. My biggest problem right now is snacking, and too many carbs! My goals for this week are:
1.) 64 0z or more of water each day
2.) limit carbs
3.) limit snacking, choose healthy snacks
4.) Try to maintain a positive attitude at work and home
I am glad to report that I'm 5 1/2 months out, and down 91 lbs, this surgery is a wonderful tool!! Good luck to all, and have a great week!! DeeAnn R.