LTNT (long time no type)
Hi All!
I know it has been a long time since I have posted. I am still reading and checking on everyone everyday.
Things have been busy/stressful around here. We have had to put my 93 y/o Grandma in a nursing home. She was living on her own, but just can't take care of herself anymore. her mind is sharp as ever, but her body is not able to keep up. She will tell you that I am her favorite of 13 grandchildren and she has always been my favorite grandparent. (only one I have left now) So I have been with her alot lately. The only good thing is that now she is here in Nevada where I live not 25 miles away.
I have been babysitting my niece a lot lately too. She is almost 9 months old now. SOOOOOO cute!!
Jeff (DBF) got laid off after contract negotiations at the first of the month. He starts his new job tomorrow morning (Mon.) but he will be gone a lot more than he was.
Our neighbors are moving soon (next six weeks or so) and that house is owned by the same people that own the one we live in now. I am pretty sure we are going to be moving next door. Not a long move, but with a waterbed and everything, it will still take time. Best is a LOT bigger so hopefully we will be able to quit storing stuff in Mom's basement. It will be like Christmas when I go to unpack all the stuff there now. Some of it has been packed since we moved back from Florida almost 3 years ago.
I haven't heard anything more from my surgeon. (except that they are discontinuing ther program at Methodist) I really want to know if I have an enlarged stoma. The pouch looked fine on the Upper GI I had. Not sure, but I think I am gaining weight again. Hard to tell with the female bloating. I have upped the water, protein, and walking. I am going to talk to my Rheumatologist at my next appt. about some PT to see what kind of exercizes I can do besides walking. That way I would be supervised at least to start. I have really been fighting the depression thru all of this though. I am almost at my 1 year anniversary and have only lost about 70 lbs. I am greatful about that, but was really hoping for more by now.
Not much else I can think of right now. I need to apologise to a few people that have e-mailed me and I haven't had time to reply. Or have been to down in the dumps to do it. Sue, Diane, Jill, and Tiffany I am so sorry. I will work really hard to do better. Trying to bend over far enough to pull myself up by the boot straps!
Take care and keep up the great work. I think this is one of the best state boards on the site and a lot of people come to lurk from other states.
Hi elizabeth, It has been a while. I am glad to hear you are still lurking around the board. I have lost 76 pounds in the past yr. I know there are alot of people that have lost alot faster but everyone losing at a different level. Just think about it this way. You are 70 pounds lighter than 1 yr ago. Think about how you feel and how much better life is now! I have made a new commitment to excerising and it is helping. I to have had to deal with depression again. I am back on anti-depressants and it is helping me feel better. I am glad you are doing well!
Hey, Elizabeth,
Boy, oh boy, you continue to be so busy. It is so nice that you can be there for your grandma. I'm sure that you are her favorite.
Moving - ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!! I hate to move with a passion! It forces me to get into all of that stuff in the closet and junk drawers, etc.that I don't want to go through. I end up pitching most of it. Hubby is really good at throwing things away! Hope that it all works out for you and you get the bigger house.
Why can't they find out what is going on with your tummy? Are you eating small portions still? I know that a friend of mine that had this surgery says that she can eat anything, but has to stop herself so she does not overeat. Do you have the opportunity to see a dietician/nutritionist through your program? If so, you may want to consider keeping a food log and then talking with someone about what you are eating and if that may be the culprit. Top that off with the physical pain that limits your exercise and that may be why you are having a slower loss. I know, I know, I hate the food logs, too and haven't done them at all the last week and a half. But I really have a need to keep track of my food intake or I may go overboard, also. (Guess what will be on my goals this week?!?!?) I hope that you can also find some exercises that you can do. I really think that it helps.
Wish your bf luck tomorrow on his new job. Hopefully all will go well for him.
Now, about not being around because you are battling depression again - well, dear, that's when you need us most. When you are feeling overwhelmed, that's the time to post to us, e-mail someone or give a buddy a call. (E-mail me if you want my phone number - you can call anytime!) So, bend over quickly, grab hold of at least one boot strap and remember that we are here for you!!!
Hang in there and God bless,
Hi Elizabeth,
Long time no hear from, but as busy as you have been can understand. Please post more if nothing else drop by & say hi to us! We are always here for you. I got stupid
& painted my living room a few weeks back & still having pain so can understand where you are coming from. The fibro acts up bad with weather changes. About your weight loss, you are doing great, just think about where you were a year ago vs today. When I first come on the board you were always there for me & remember I will be here for you, that's what the board is about support! Take care.

Hi Elizabeth!
It's so great to see you posting again!
I'm sorry to hear of the depression you are going through; I have been battling that definitely is not easy. If Methodist is discontinuing the program there, can't you get a referral to someone else to check to see if you have an enlarged stoma? I know that there is a way to 'fix' that. I think they put an elastic band around it to tighten it, right?
Remember, I am only an e-mail away, OK?
Open RNY 02/04/04 (Proximal-75 cm)

Hiya Elizabeth....When I first started coming to this site you were the one who welcomed me with open arms, and for that I thank you! 70lbs is nothing to be ashamed of, I hope you get some answers from your Dr. to ease your mind and to make you feel better for your loss! The depression is hard gf....I think in alot of ways it goes along with this surgery for some of us/for different reasons, just know that we are here for you and each other through the good times and the bad.
Please keep us updated, and post more often, have really missed your posts!!!!
Janet Schmidt
Hey Elizabeth
You were there for me too. I will be there for you too. I have had depression also, since I just had a hysterectomy about 4 weeks ago, I'm down a little bit. But it does help to Email to friends and this support group.
Just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers.
Take Care
Your Friend
Lisa Young
started at 350 down to 230
Hey Elizabeth,
how long time no see....i miss chatting with you all the time. i will be coming threw that way on my way home sunday would love and stop and say hi to yeah.......and meet yeah....i will try to cheer you up.. you can ask laurie i crack jokes all the time.... if you need me to i will call yeah and tell you some jokes......miss yeah let me know if you are free sunday it wont be till late afternoon.....lynda