Who says you never forget how to ride a bicycle??? I got my first bike in about 25 years on Sunday. Finally rode it tonight for the first time. I made it about 8 blocks. Boy, it's a lot harder than I remember! I wasn't sure I was gonna make it go when I first got on. Thought there was a distinct possiblility I was going to go splat in the middle of the street! I think it will be pretty good exercise.
Hi Lyn,
It is fun isn't it? I also bought a bike a few weeks ago. Found some muscles that haven't been used in years!
but it is fun. I was pretty wobbly at first & wondered if I would crash & burn but made it home safely
Thanks for remembering me. Wanda was only a few years older than me, sure puts in the reality check.

Lyn - too fun!!! I rode a bike for the first time in years early this summer. It was fun!! The only thing that I hated is that my butt hurt something awful after the 1 mile ride! If I ride it again, I will definitely get a "grandpa seat" (no offense to you grandmas and grandpas out there).
Have fun
God bless,