New pic
Thanks to OH volunteers my new pic is up. In this one I have lost 55 lbs, it took several tries (my pic wasn't attaching!) & to date have lost 60 lbs. I have saved the shirt I was wearing for original pic & in Dec will try it on again just to see how it looks
Hope everyone has had a good weekend. Mine has been spent painting the living room & now going to clean the carpet. Put up new mini blinds, gee does it look so much nicer now. I had to quit painting the other day my arms were aching so bad & was getting pressure in my chest & was afraid it was my heart. Worked at a slow pace but had been told painting was not a good thing with heart problems. So will finish the rest of the house in a slower manner.
Told my daughter in law that I would take a perm for babysitting pay am so tired of flat hair! She had fixed it for me for a funeral & that's when we hurried & grabbed the camera for this pic! Carrie is a hair stylist & we have discussed the perms several times, she was leery cuz of the meds I had been on, my perms would last a couple of days then looked flat after that. Hopefully this one will last when we get it in. I have always been a hair freak & am embarrassed about this yuk look I have. Dr. S's nurse said my hair looked healthy enough for a perm so it shouldn't be a problem.
we'll see, just may be ordering a wig yet! Looking forward to seeing those coming to hear Barbara Thompson, we'll have to think of a place to meet. Let me think on that one & we'll set a time to meet.

What a skinny minny......I hope I can do as well!!
Will be interesting to see you in the original shirt! That is if we CAN see you!!
Don't know that I can make it to hear Barb. It would be a blast meeting you and anyone else from the board. I would have to take a couple of days off to attend and I am trying to save as much time as I can 'just in case'.........(not thinking negatively, just realistically!)
Take care!
You look wonderful, I bet you feel pretty good too! Take it easy on the painting, a little at a time and it will get done. I hope the perm goes well. I have finally hit the hair loss bug and it is falling out by the handfulls. I am trying not to wa**** every day, but bed head and me don't get along and I end up washing anyway.
Keep up the great job!