Endoscope and colonoscopy on Tuesday
Well I had a barium swallow done on Friday and did not find out much so I saw the gastroentrologist today and I am having a scope done both ways. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trying to find out why I am always sick and pain and diarrhea. I guess make sure there are no scar tissue build up. Everything will be ok and I will let you know how it comes out when I find out. I am down 119 pounds and my 6 month anniversary with wls is on the 4th so in that aspect everything is going good. Just started my pilates videos again a little easier with out the excess weight but can I ever feel everything those bones are use to all that cushioning. I hope you all have a good night. Kim

I had 2 colonoscopies 3 years ago. In November, and then the other one in December, and found out that I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I had and still have diarrahea with everything I eat or drink. So it could be and may not be. But just thought I would let you know how my colonscopy was.
My 7 month anniversary I'm at 235 from 350, had gastric bypass December 22, 2003. With Dr. Eibes. Then a hysterectomy last week with Dr. Eibes. Tell you about pain. Now infections.
Take Care
Lisa Young