OT Just Venting
Daily I read the Main Board as well as Ia Board. Once in a while I will post on Main but very seldom. Maybe I shouldn't take this so personally, but I do! Why do people set out to sabotage themselves??? Two weeks out & eating pizza, breaded mushrooms etc!!! People that are doing this were obviously NOT READY for WLS! I have no doubt that insurance companies read OH & reading some of the postings I'm sure they have to wonder why they should approve anyone for surgery if they aren't going to follow guidelines? Stands to reason doesn't it? Real waste of money! Hey, I'm not perfect BUT I followed the guidelines as I'm sure most all of us has. Because of the leak it was 3 weeks for me with liquids & you better believe it was tiring, but it wasn't worth risking my life over by eating when I was told not to! Sorry gang but I just had to vent! Have a good weekend!
I TOTALLY agree with you!!!! I also lurk around on a Yahoo group for WLS support, and there was a guy on there who was announcing that for his FIRST solid food meal at two weeks out, he ate McDonalds CHICKEN NUGGETS!!!!!!! He pointed out though, that he could only eat THREE of them over the course of an hour.
I mean...I haven't had the surgery (yet!), but even setting aside the fried food issue, wouldn't three chicken nuggets be a little too much food for your first solid meal?
Scratching my head....
Chris C.
Hi Chris,
That sounds like someone I met a few years back! I kid you not, he got out of the hospital & headed right for McDonalds for chicken nuggets! From McDonalds back to the hospital! He got violently sick, gee wonder why?! Fried foods just don't do anything for me anymore. I can't believe I said that! I loved fried potatoes & french fries but they hold no appeal to me anymore which I think is a good thing not even potato chips which was one of my biggest downfalls. Know if I even try one I would probably fall right back into old habits. I love my raw veggies now & yogurt, can't believe I said that!!! Six months ago I wouldn't have traded fried foods & chips for veggies & yogurt. Guess it just goes to show I'm making healthier choices.
I also agree with you both! That was the reason my shrink didn't clear me for WLS right away, he was afraid I would overeat/eat the wrong foods and pop my new tummy. That was six months ago, and I am ready for my surgery on Monday.
Did anyone see the ER episode where a 400 lb man was eating eggs and bacon mixed in a blender, after his WLS?? It showed him raiding the food storage room, and after he ate too much, the drs found him unconcious on the floor. Obviously he wasn't ready either.
I guess I just don't understand either, why someone would go through all that, and then make themselves sick from pizza or whatever.
Shelley Rath
Hi Shelley,
We will see you on the losing side in just a matter of hours now Will keep you in my thoughts & prayers. I did see the ER episode (my fave show) & this was before my surgery. Just kept thinking on how stupid can you get??? Don't get me wrong, I eat pizza but just can't eat the whole thing now! Taco's are my all time fave now, sometimes I eat them with softshell other times just the meat. I just wasn't doing this a few weeks out of surgery. Can't even imagine trying to eat during that time.
Get your bags packed & keep us posted!
And to think that I felt bad eating a couple cheeze-its on New Year's Eve, about 4 weeks out, (the phase that I was on included crackers, but I vowed not to eat too many because they have been, are and always will be a red light food for me). Vent away - this surgery has to accompany healthy lifestyle changes. They are not always easy, but nonetheless, have to be made.
Hi Andrea!
I wasn't aiming at you my dear! When I could FINALLY have real food I was craving ritz crackers with ham salad! Talk about weird cravings. I ended up throwing the ham salad away as I couldn't eat it all before it spoiled! You are right, it isn't easy but we know what we have to do. It's never easy to make changes. Thanks for your support!!!! waiting for my new mug shot to be posted, been over a week now they must be really busy! Or maybe I scared them off!!!