Tummy tuck help
I was just approved for tummy tuck by BCBS with Dr. Cherny in Des Moines. They did however deny my breast lift and arms due to cosmetic. I was really surprised about the tummy tuck because I didn't have any trouble with rashes just hanging skin.
Maybe it is how the doctor wrote up his report, maybe you should see another plastic surgeon and get his opinion.
My tummy tuck is scheduled for Monday August 30th.
Good Luck
BCBS covered my TT with Dr. Yen in Des Moines. I just got my bill yesterday for the Dr. and it was 4000.00 before ins. my portion is 250.00 the hospital bill came 3 days after I had it done and it was 4278.00. That is what I know I did not have any skin rashed either...he just took pitures of the hanging skin.
When I worked for an ENT/head-neck plastic surgeon we did lots of septorhinoplasties. If we submitted a request for the surgery in one code it would be rejected as cosmetic due to the rhinoplasty component. However, if we submitted 2 separate codes, one for the rhinoplasty (a nose job and generally always considered cosmetic) and one for septoplasty (straigtening the septum, which is considered functional) we could get BCBS to approve the septoplasty.
Perhaps trying to divide up the surgeries and just sending a request for the tummy tuck might be a suggestion? My guess after doing medical insurance for 20 years is that getting a breast lift and arm surgery like that covered is going to be pretty tough. But I would think there should be enough tummy tucks that they have covered that they should consider it.
Just some thoughts--good luck!!
It can depend on the way your physician writes up the paperwork. Most true tummy tucks (abdominoplasty) are not covered by insurance - this is the procedure where they tighten up the muscles - unless you have hernia's then it can be paid for by insurance. If your surgeon were to write up a (panniculectomy) this procedure is where they remove all the hanging fat/skin from the lower portion of the abdomin. This is usually covered by insurance. Arms & boobs - unless break down of the skin is usually considered to be cosmetic and not covered. You can have your surgeon break down the cost of your procedures individually. Don't give up - don't go to a crappy plastics guy either - but there are ways around the insurance. Make sure that you are seeing a board certified plastic surgeon. Too many quacks out there. I have seen my share of redue TT because of botched up work.
Good Luck