8/16 roll call and goals and challenge
Morning, got this in a day late, Mondays are crazy as is every other day of the week. Well have not been able to do anything as far as goals. My mother had knee replacement surgery and we had to move her to an apartment besides working and watching kids (babysit besides my own).
Anyways got an hour or so to myself and went with a friend shopping, tried on some clothes just for the fun of it SURPRISE got into a 16 top and 20 jeans unbelievable, I don't think I wore that size even as a kid. That's down 7 shirt sizes and 5 jean sizes. My hubby says I'm getting too skinny NOT!!! at least not yet for me. Don't mean to brag but it was exciting.
I did weigh this morning and my scale MUST be wacky it says that I've lost 106, last week it was 94, that's too much of a jump as it seems like I've done nothing but eat.
SORRY so long winded here but just finally had a chance to post. Congrats to all who made goals and good luck on those working on them. By the way kids start back the 23rd YAHOO and my mom is released to drive on the 23rd, shoot off the fireworks my independence day!!!!

Sounds like it's been a crazy week for you, also. Hope that your mom heals quickly. It sounds like you are still doing well, though, to have such a great loss! You must be doing something right! Don't think of it as bragging at all - just sharing your accomplishments with us. We love to celebrate with you!
Well done on the loss and I'll be looking into the sky for some fireworks.
God bless,
Good Morning Andrea....Im a day late, go figure!!! Kids start school tomorrow...yahoooooooooooo! VB and CC practice started yesterday so kids are busy with that! First off I have a couple of questions about your support group meetings as we are trying to get ours started here again. Do you guys have topics that you disguss at every meeting? Do you have speakers come? And do the Dr.'s come to your meetings? Thanks for the info!
My goals for this week are:
-start exercising again
-watch what I eat....stop the grazing
-enjoy the peace and quiet when kids start back to school!!!!
Have a good day,
Janet Schmidt
Hey girl, how are you? Sounds like you are going to be busy this school year. How was the wedding, but the way? Did you alter your dress? Sounds like you have some good goals. Wish that I could relish in the peace and quiet for the next week, but my 2 year old won't sleep all day
. I am going to send him to grandma's some so Mark and I can have some quality time before things get really busy again.
About the support group meetings, sometimes we have speakers, sometimes not. Tomorrow night, for example, is open topic. The nurse manager - Theresa Fraker - will usually open the evening and may even bring up some questions that she has heard at the center. Then we kind of bat around concerns, etc. for an hour or so and then we chit chat. Other times, we have speakers. Last month we had one of the psychologist speak on the affects of wls on us and others, specifically relationships. It was really good. We also have had the dietician speak a couple of times and a guest speaker - a plastic surgeon that even showed one too many slides of naked women!!
Hope this helps and that you enjoy your peace!
God bless,

It's great to see "old familiar" faces on here!! Had my check-up at the drs yesterday and all went well. I'm down 80 lbs since 4/1 and have lost 75". Wearing 16/18 jeans (started in 24/26). My SIL made me turn around for her the other nite and looked and my backside and said "yep - it's gone." One of my best compliments yet.
My goals this week are to:
1. Drink all my water.
2. Remember vitamins (I'm bad at this one)
3. Get the spare room cleaned out -- it's a pig stye with all the "too small and too big clothes."
4. Walk 3 miles EVERY day.
5. Find a personal trainer (anybody know a good one up here?)
My 9 y/o goes back to school the 23rd. Yeh.... poor teachers
Everybody keep up the good work

Wow, what a great loss!!! You are doing wonderfully! Too funny about the backside! My mom told me the other day that I "really did walk" my "butt off." I understand about all of those clothes. I have clothes from two different friends and then my own clothes that I have to go through. Some of them I need to return and others, need to get rid of, but I seem to have some crazy attachment to those 32-34's.
Now, since you are going to walk again, will your dog like you once more? Don't forget your vitamins this week!
Have a great week and God bless,

Hi Everyone,
I just got my surgery date Sept. 16
I guess my goals would have to be
1) Quit smoking
2) Don't let frineds and family who think I'm wrong to have surgery get me down
3) Continue to lose until surgery
4) Make my preop appt. next week
This is the first time I am posting. I will try to post often with and news or questions I might have. I really feel at times that I am all alone in this. It is nice to have access to others who are going through what I am.
Welcome, Sue! So glad that you are able to join us!! It will only be a matter of time before you join us on the losing side of this journey! Now, if you read my earlier post to Tammy, I got on a soapbox about smoking. Don't worry, you're new so I won't be too bad
. I had to quit, also and it was hard, especially when they told me not to gain any more weight before surgery. I did gain a little, but quit about 9 weeks pre-surgery and haven't lit up since. You can do it!
We expect to see more posts from you now. Remember that we are here for you if you have any questions or concerns or just want to share some news. You have really come to a wonderful community of support!
Welcome again and God bless,