8/16 roll call and goals and challenge
Ms. Lurker checking in here!!
My goals this week are: keep a food journal to find out just what I am doing wrong. Get more water in. I was up to almost a gallon, now am just barely getting 1/2 that. Buy some more S.F. candies and keep busy so the dreaded carb attacks don't get me. Figure out some stretching exercizes I can do before walking in the mornings. I have been having cramps in my right hip and calf.
On a good note, according to my pedometer, I walked 5.15 miles at the fair. No wonder my feet and knees and hips..... etc, hurt today!!! I just might be able to do part of that relay with you next year!
Question of the day......my furbabies don't go to school, but somedays they need obedience training!

I'm sure that you will do well on your goals this week. Watch those s/f candies, they get my tummy a-rumblin', if ya know what I mean. I have been sucking on some zinc lozenges (more like a wafer) that I got from the health food store. It seems to help and I get a supplement in. Also, I think it was Jackie that suggested that I grab a drink everytime that I think I need to snack. It sure has helped and I am getting in sometimes 90+ oz of fluids.
Now, get those furbabies trained and get stretchin' girlie!! Expecting more posts from you - you've been doing well lately, keep it up.
God bless,
Hello all,
My week was actually pretty good as far as getting my goals done
I got to that orginizing task I had been putting off all summer and my upstairs is looking so much better. I have gone through my fat clothes and I have 3 very large boxes of clothes to go to good will. I went through my smaller clothes and boxed them according to size, so I know when to get which box out. I went shopping and bought new under garments, the other ones were falling off and I thought the people at work would not appreciate that, so shopping I went! Guess what! I am a large!!!! Not 3x, 2x, or even 1x just a plain ol' large. And my band size on my bra went down a lot, I was in a 48 C and now I am in a 40 B.
On to the new (or not so new) goals for the week:
1. Water, Water, Water
2. Exercise
3. Protein (this has not been a problem, but must always stay focused)
4. Less lurking and more posting and responding.
5. GO BACK TO WORK (scary--new me, new building, new job, new kids!)
Love ya all,

Wow, Jackie, what terrific news!!! Bra size down 8 inches and a cup size and clothes in a large - I can't even imagine!!! I bet that you needed new clothes so you don't lose your undies while walking down the halls at school - now that would be embarrassing!!!
You will do wonderfully on your goals and at your new job,building, etc. I have faith in you!
God bless,
P.S. Now I know why you didn't make it down this way, you didn't want to clean and organize MY house!!
Hello all of my loser friends.....
It was not a good week. We lost a dear friend of ours and his sweet lovely wife has alzhimers (can't spell) We are all so blessed when we are able to get on this email and chat with one another and remember what was said. I am just grateful that I was blessed to have him in my life.
I lost 3 lbs this week how I don't know. - Thank you Lord for every ounce lost. I did get some walking in though. We have a huge hill and my goal is one day to climb it and not be outta breath - didn't happen this week. I am better at getting fluids in. I sucked at the carbs things a couple of days.
But today is a new week... Here are my goals..
1. Do something nice for someone who needs a pick me up.
2. Exercise and try to do some strength training.
3. 4lbs please
4. Meditate and relax so that I am not so anxious and want to eat.
5. Surprise goal..... find something good during the week for me. (bubble bath, Josh Groban music, ect)
I helped out someone else today to be a loser as well. If the surgeon could read my mind when I talk to my patients he would have me locked up.
have a wonderful week......
Hugs from Heaven (thanks Mr. Bob)
So sorry to hear of the loss of a loved one - and to know that his dear wife struggles so. Yes, thank the Lord for our health and our friendships.
I love your goals and am sure that you will stick to them and have a better week than last. Remember, we have always clung to food when we need an emotional release and I'm sure that last week was pretty emotional for you. Hang in there - you will do fine - I'm sure of it and will say a prayer for you your friend's wife and family.
Remember that we are here for you if you need us.
God bless,
Didn't do too bad last week- my knee was acting up, so my daily mile was more like a daily half mile. Got a cortisone injection today, so should be much better by the end of the week. After Wednesday's doctor's appt. I went "hog" wild on carbs. 3 Days of a carb fest. Now I'm sick of them and ready for some good ole protein!! SO, goals for this week:
1. Maintain my protein level, and keep carbs to under 45 grams daily.
2. Resume the daily mile.
3. Stop making excuses and get my hinder back to the gym!
My daughter is almost 22, but will start Massage Therapy school this Wednesday. The rest of my 350 kids (I'm an elementary school secretary) will start on August 30.
Thanks Andrea for all the good encouragement- it really means alot.
Elizabeth- I very rarely have the full feeling anymore. And I can eat almost everything- with the exception of ice cream. But since surgery was a good jump start, maybe we can find the courage to make it work for us without that sensation.
Jeri H.

I'm sure that your "hog wild" on the carbs was really not that bad. Remember what you were able to do before surgery and compare that. By the way, how many carbs did your doc say was good for you to eat? (Reminder to all of us that we should follow our surgeon's/dietician's guidelines for post-surgical eating).
I think that I am joining the gym tomorrow or Wednesday. I have a friend there that is the head trainer. I knew she worked there, but didn't know that she ran the programs. Anyway, she said that she could get the same benefits for me that I am getting from walking 70 minutes daily in smaller time frame and with different exercises. Finally will get in the strength training. Do you do free weights, machines?
No way do you have a 22 year old daughter - you're not old enough!!! Are you already back to school awaiting the 30th? I know that our secretary does not get the whole summer off. God bless you for what you do - I'm sure that you not only keep the parents and students on track, but that you rescue teachers often as well!
Have a great week - I'm sure that you can do it.
God bless,
Hi there friends!
Hmmmm, well, my goals:
1. Get my eating UNDER CONTROL!
2. Get out and walk more!
3. FINALLY QUIT SMOKING! (I'm planning ahead for plastics and hopefully can stop for good this time!)
4. Get in all of my WATER!
5. Get organized for school to start again,,,,,,,,,UGH!
Question of the day answer: My kids don't go back to school until the 26th which is unusually late for this school district. It's too bad too, they are getting on eachother's nerves so bad! LOL. "MOM! Tell Trent to stop looking at me!" "MOM! Tell Kaylee to GO AWAY!" Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! GOD BLESS THE SCHOOL SYSTEM AND THE WONDERFUL TEACHERS THAT GIVE US PARENTS A BREAK!
Good luck everyone on your goals....... We can do it, we have eachother!
Open RNY
T-minus 15 days and counting to the big P.S. visit! I need this hernia FIXED NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey there, Tammy,
Glad to see you stopping in again! Keep checking in with us even when your life gets hectic (right around the corner). I'm sure that eating and water goals are good ones, but I really want to stress that "QUIT SMOKING" goal. I haven't had a cig since last October and do not plan to pick one up again - lost my dad to lung cancer 2 years ago this past Saturday and I still miss him alot. Put those cigs out for good, girl!!
Off my soap box now and know that I luv ya anyway!
Thanks for the compliment (I'm a teacher.) I love my job, but certainly do love my summers and family more!! I am going to miss the family time, but not the bored and whiny kids!! I'm ready for them to go back, just not for me to go back again!
Hang in there on your goals and with that hernia. We'll count down with you too.
God bless,