Elizabeth H.
Hi Sherry!
I don't know much more. The only thing off on my lab work was my white count. I figure it is sinus or bronchial infection with this crazy weather. As for the Upper GI, the Dr. that did the test said things looked good to him, but he didn't have the "official" last word. I guess it must be ok since my surgeon left this AM for vacation and I haven't heard anything.
Don't know how to explain the 3 lb. gain and the never being full. I have a few ideas to try, but will just have to see. I might really be "the one person that fails at WLS!!"
Thanks for askin', I have been busy and didn't really have much to say, as usual. LOL

Hey Elizabeth.....glad to hear all looked good!! I had emailed ya wondering the same thing!!! There is occasions were I feel full, but most of the times I feel like I could eat for days.....that is why I wondered how much you were eating at each meal and such, cause I worry about me too!! Take Care

I didn't have a RNY I had a BPD but I too do not ever feel full. Not a full feeling like at Thanksgiving before the WLS. Now when I eat too much I don't feel full - I just feel like food is sitting in my throat - especially if I drink while I am eating. You might ask your surgeon what was the size of your pouch he left. I have heard of RNY patients having a bigger pouch. Don't fret it will all work out. Just keep sending up little prayers and we will too.
Hugs from heaven
Hi Elizabeth!
Well, I'm glad that there is nothing wrong...but, I'm sorry that you have not found a solution yet.
You will NOT fail at this...it just takes a little longer sometimes...have you been checked for insulin resistance? I learned that with my insulin resistance, I need to keep my carbs at 10-20 or less (total) per day, or I will not lose weight. 30 will be maintenance for me, since it is not going into remission as hoped.
Keep digging, you will find the answers...sometimes, you just need to be persistent.

Hi - sorry to hear that they did not figure anything out, but then again, glad that everything is okay. You certainly don't want to have another surgery if you don't have to. Hang in there! I know that this will work for you, just work at it as hard as you can. You have a disadvantage, as well, because you aren't able to walk as much as some of us are. Hang in there - you will not fail. I have faith in you!!!
God bless,