SCHWANS now has low carb ice cream!
Schwan's has always had sugar free fudsicles, popsicles and a couple of sherbert type bars that were sugar they have regular 1/2 gallon ice cream that's sugar free..and the butter pecan is to DIE FOR! The nutritional info is as follows. pretty good on carbs. I wish the calories were less..but it really cures a sugar craving!
They also have chocolate and vanilla ... i haven't tried them yet.
Serving Size 1/2cup Total Fat 8g(s) Total Carbs 15g(s)
# of servings 14 Saturated Fat 4.5g(s) Fiber 6g(s)
Calories 130 Cholesterol 25mg(s) Sugars 4g(s)
Fat Calories 70 Sodium 80mg(s) Protein 2g(s)
Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 0% Iron 0%
here is the link to the sugar free/ lite ice creams page on you should be able to just copy and paste it into your browser.
Hope this helps someone!
Have a great day! ~~~Dawn