Compliment?? and Lasik update
I finally went to have my one year labs drawn - its only over a month late, but anyway - the kid that did the draw saw that I was a patient of Dr. Glass**** and that I had an rny. He asked if he could ask how much weight I lost, so I told him around 185 pounds. Not bad for 13 months. Anyway, he had to chime in a say 185 pounds, wow, that is how much I weigh - you lost me. I did know if I should be
at him or
him for the compliment. I had an
though. Since my surgeon was just down the hall a ways, I was going to ask him if I could strap him on my back and tell my surgeon I gained all of my weight back, but I did not think that would look too good walking down the hall with a lab tech strapped on my back
On another happy note, when I stopped in to see when exactly my appointment was next week, Dr. Glass**** basically gave me a look of what the heck are you doing in here, until one of the nurses said hi etc. Then he asked me if I would consent to having pictures taken for some new advertisement that they need to do. I told them it would cost them some money for my beautiful mug, so we will see where that gets me
I guess I will see what happens next week when I talk with them. I thouhgt it was kinda
that he asked that. This has been a wonderful tool, I just hope that I will continue to follow the rules to make this a permanent lifestyle change.
I had my LASIK consult and testing done. I am scheduled for surgery on Monday Aug 23. The Dr. said I was an excelent candidate and that things should go very well. Thanks to all of you *****sponded to my post about that.
I will quit rambling now.

Congrats Brad
on your weight loss. Have any idea when you'll have eye surgery? I had my yearly checkup for eyes the other day asking the doc if I'll ever be able to get rid of the bi-focals, just need glasses for reading. He said they are working on a procedure for near/far sightness so even the reading glasses will be out the window! Does this doc do both eyes at once? Mine still waits 2 weeks between the surgeries. Keep us posted!

Hey Brad,
Congratulations on the 185... AWESOME ACHEIVEMENT!!
About compliments... I guess I am the wrong one to help out on that one. I find I am rather "thin skinned" LOL
pun intented. I need to loosen up about those things and not let it get to me. Just take things in spirit intended...
Thanks to for the lasik input; I am going for an appointment next Friday, I am also going to stop by and see my surgeon (IA City)
God Bless and Take Care

Wow, a poster child for wls? How cool is that? You have done awesome - I can just imagine you hauling the lab tech down the hall to show the doc that you had lost a whole person
Now, if the surgeon's office gets to see pics, how about us, too? Let's see some before and after shots.
Good luck on the eye surgery. Maybe I will look into that someday so I can give up the contacts and glasses. Does insurance cover that?
Great job, Brad. Keep posting for those of us that need to hear inspirational stories like yours.
God bless,