8/9/04 Roll call and goals - Let's hear from everyone!!
Hi. Well, I just wanted to chime in and say hi. My goals are this week to
1. Not get stressed about my surgery date (it has been changed 3 times)
2. Not get worried about the doctors office not doing what *I* feel that they should be doing. Let the experts be the experts. and
3. Concentrate on doing well on my normal job, *and* working hard at my new job.
Those are mental goals. Physical goals are:
1. Drink water
2. Get out and do something this week that takes effort. Either by not using my handicap plaquard or by going grocery shopping without a motorized cart.
3. Update my profile page with positive comments.
Small goals, I know. But big for me.
God bless everyone! Thank you so much for your kind words and support.
Hi, and if I have not welcomed you here before, welcome now! Wow - I hadn't thought of splitting my goals into mental and physical goals - good idea. Those are not small goals by any means. Good luck on them all. And know that now I am going to have to go read your profile so I can see those positive comments.
Have a great week and God bless,
I did pretty well with last weeks goals. I really cut down on
the salt intake, improved my water and got my excersize in.
This weeks goal includes: water, excersize and cutting down
on carbs ( oh how they haunt me!)
Does anyone know when the Davenport support group meets
again? I went to their web site but I think the meeting
dates are old.
I purchased a new bathing suit and actually wore it in public
at a party Sat. not too terrifing (sp?) This Sat is my sons
6th birthday and we are celebrating at Wacky Waters so I
guess the suit will get some more wear. Just passed the 70 pd
marker and it feels really good.
Good luck to all this week,
Well, you were successful with cutting down on salt and getting water in, but did that affect weight loss? I hope so for you. I know that you will do well this week, too.
Genesis Center for Bariatric Surgery Images support group meeting is next Wednesday - August 18th (my kids' first day of school). Hope to see you there.
Good job on the new swimming suit! Have a blast at Wacky Waters - I'm sure that you'll be looking like a hottie!!
God bless,
Hi Andrea:
I don't know if it was the cutting down on salt or carbs but
it did help. I had been stuck at the same weight since 4th of
July weekend until yesterday when I lost a pound, then today
I was down another 3 pounds! Thank goodness, I was begining
to think the loss was over and I really want to drop another
27 pds. Down 73 total! No more travel until Christmas, Yeah!!
Unless it is just a quick fun weekend in Chicago or St. Louis.
Good Luck back at school and getting ready. I bet the routine
will be good. I always do better when I'm in a regular routine.
Sounds like your doing well, I will definately see you on the
18th. Keep up the great work!
Hello From Council Bluffs.....
I am really good at making goals but then getting them accomplished sucks rocks. I believe I accomplished 3 of my 5 goals... I did something nice for Tommy (Husb) I bought him cold tablets. I got the majority of my water down. And the last goal for last week... I weighed in today and I lost 3 more pounds (total 41 lbs).
I also had a fashion show for my ego. I tried on a couple of skirts that I could not wear before surgery and now I can take them off without unzipping them. I also had a beautiful blouse plum colored that I could not fit into... now since the girls (my boobs) went on a permanent vacation the blouse is too big.
This weeks goals....
1. Keep my prayer line open
1a. Thank God every day for every ounce that I have lost
2. Drink my water
3. Loose 4lbs this week
4. Do some form of exercise (other than working my behind off in the OR)
5. Hug my babies more
There was an article in yesterday's Commercial Appeal - Memphis Tennessee (my home town paper) that my aunt told me about. Exercise and dieting after weight loss surgery. If any of you can find it I sure would be interested in reading it. I tried finding it online but I guess the machine is smarter than the woman.
Have a good week everyone......
Hey - I think that 3 of 5 goals is wonderful!! Especially since your hubby probably really appreciated the cold meds! Good job on the fashion show. I just giggled when I read about it because most of my clothes, I just slip on and off without unzipping and unbuttoning.
I like your goals - especially numbers 1 and 1a. I love my walking time in the morning because that is my time with God. Sure, I pray other times, but when walking for over an hour, God is a much better listener than my dog!
Do you literally have babies? How old? I want another baby sooooooo badly, but am waiting the recommended 18 months from surgery before planning on another one.
If you find that article, let us know if it is any good.
Good luck on your goals and God bless,
HI Everyone!
I am just figuring this posting thing out. Dumb me. Anyway my goals
1. To keep focused on the post op diet. 6 days to go and am not doing so hot. Any sugesstions?
2. To do my walks.
3. Get everything in order for surgery
I am having first surgery Monday. So I will post asap. Thanks to everyone and all their insirational testimonies. God Bless Everyone Cheryl
Hi! Not "dumb you". It took me a while to figure out also. Remember about that post op diet - the purpose is to shrink your liver thus making surgery easier. Do some research on the liver functions and how it stores carbs and you will understand more. I did not want to do the diet - I wasn't told about the diet until about 3 weeks from surgery. I felt that it blew all chances for me to go out and splurge one more time. But then I read about the liver and found out how important it was to follow the pre-op diet and shrink my liver. After surgery, Christophersen told me that my liver was a nice small size. Remind yourself that the diet is medically necessary for surgery.
Hang in there - your day is almost here, but remember, we're here also.
God bless,
Hello all!
I had a fantastic week, my goals went just okay, but life in general couldn't get much better.
I went to curves only 2x last week, but was very busy and physical getting ready for a llama show in MN. Struggling with the supplements but I will get it
(someday). The water (fluids) are hit or miss daily
(I just plane forget to drink). But protein and food goals are doing fine.
By the way (just to brag a little)
my kids (daughter and 4H-ers) did absolutely fantastic at the llama show-- we took home 2 Grand Champion Trophys and 3 Reserve Champion ribbons amongst several other slightly lower placements. All in all we not only were successful but had a blast while doing it.
Now for GOALS:
1. Supplements (notice this has become a prioriety--3 month check coming soon)
2. Fluids must remember to drink, drink, drink!
3. CLEAN-- Summers is almost gone and my up-stairs is still a pit.
4. Continue to enjoy my new life
I hope you all have a great week and are successful with your goals.