8/9/04 Roll call and goals - Let's hear from everyone!!
Good morning everyone,
How are you this fine summer day? Are you all enjoying the weather - it has been so nice. But then again, it's weird to not be sweating bullets because I'm carrying around over 100 pounds less fat!!!
How did you do towards your goals last week? I printed them out and will do the same today. I copied and pasted just the goal part of my post to a word document and then printed from there. It helped me to see those. However, I didn't do wonderfully. I did walk over 21 miles last week but didn't do strengthening exercises. I did do well with not grazing except for a couple of days, and mainly in the evenings. So, here are this weeks goals:
1) Walking 4 times at least and find an alternative for when school starts back up such as the fitness center.
2) Strengthening exercises 3 times
3) Combine my two food logs for optimal use and continue using them!
4) Set times for eating
5) DON'T GRAZE!!!!!! (Drink water when I feel like eating if not a scheduled time, or chew gum or suck on a zinc tablet.)
6) Limit starch intake!!!
I think that is enough. The walking seems to be the easiest part.
Now, let's hear from all of you - even you lurkers!!! If you don't have goals, just reply to let us know how you are!
God's blessings to you all,
As of today, I'm down 82 lbs!!
I did't do too bad with my goals, but did graze a little more than I should have!! My goals this week are:
1.) Drink 64 + oz of water per day
2.) Limit snacking!!
3.) Strength train at least 3 x this week ( I'm good about my walking but not so good about this!!)
4.) Have some "me" time every day Hard to do with three kids, and working fulltime!)
I hope everyone has a good week, and meets their goals!!! Take care, and best wishes whereever you're at on your journey!! DeeAnn

Another fine day here in central Iowa. Can hardly beleive this weather considering the Fair starts this week!
Last week was so-so. I did count my carbs- all of them, and averaged around 35-45/day. Only made it to the gym twice, walked the dog 4 days (bad knee was giving me grief) and did research the Atkins carb allowance. Have a surgeon's appt on Wednesday- hope it's good news.
This week:
1. Continue to count ALL carbs.
2. Check calories, too, just to see how things are doing.
3. Walk at least 1/2 mile EVERY NIGHT!!!
4. Hit the gym 3 times.
Keep your fingers crossed that 35-45 grams of carbs is the winning number!
Jeri H.
Hi Jeri,
Man, counting carbs does not sound fun!! I just try to limit them right now but am afraid of what I would see if I counted them. Am looking at calories and protein this week. Heck - I just looked at the bag of pretzels that I was eating from and one serving has 23 g of carbs. AHHHHHHHH and I thought that I was doing well not eating too many starches this week (PMS
) I think that 35-45 g or carbs is wonderful. Let us know what you find out at the surgeon!
Keep up the good work!
God bless,

My goals this week is to walk some more. Get done with this bleeding and cramps (period for 4 months now). Get ready for school. (starts August 30).
I have gotten rid of my cold hooray.
Get caught up on sleep.
Gotta go help Mom, having company tonight, have to finish later.
Take Care
Lisa Young
Not sure I did so well on last week's goals. Only got to Curves twice and only walked once. Oh welllll! A new week began yesterday and I walked. Today I Curved. The week's off to a good start.
This week's goal is to not overeat this coming weekend. It's my big coming out party. Haven't seen any of my family since I had surgery. My son is so funny! I was going to email him a picture of the new me and he didn't want me to - he's wants to be surprised! He's so sweet! Also need to walk more and continue trying to get in 80 oz of fluid each day.
Bless your son's heart for wanting to be surprised! How sweet. I think that half of the battle of doing good for your week is starting off the week well - and it sounds like you have a good start to your week. Hang in there and you will do well this weekend. Just stay away from foods that you know you can't have and DON"T overfill your plate (like I did Sunday at my family reunion. It's a blessing that something got stuck so I Couldn't overeat.) Have a great weekend and let us know what reactions you get.
God bless,