Hello Out There!
Hi there everyone!
Sorry it's been so long again. No computer problems this time, just no time.....UGH! This new "healthy" life can be tiring. Seems like I'm always doing something. Been working a lot too. The money train is going to slow WAY down though. My hours at work will be cut back to 20 per week as of Aug 30th for me to do college again. BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET! LOL.
Well, my health is doing good other then my hernia. Been in quite a bit of pain from it. Dr. Hardy doesn't want to fix it until I'm at "his" goal weight. I can't take it anymore! My PCP gave me a referral to a plastic surgeon thinking that may speed up the process some. I don't get into Dr. Schurman (the PS Dr.****il Sept 16th, and the nurse there told me she was certain from what history she got on me that my insurance would approve it, but they are SLOW at doing so. She said it'll take a good 6 weeks after my consult to get approval. SOOO, I'm looking at the end of November, just past my 1 year anniversary.
I'm weighing 169 (betting 20 of that is panni) and wearing some Medium t-shirts but most are Large. Size 10/12 pants. I have NEVER worn that size before! LOL. Infact, I was trying on some "stretch Levi's with button and zip" and I fit comfortably into an 8!!!!!!! Wish that was true for all my jeans but oh well. LOL.
I'm hanging on to all my 16's and down because I understand there is an obsene amount of swelling post ps so I guess I'll need them for work.
EATING...........NOT SO GOOD! I'm finding that I can eat anything~ NOT GOOD! I have done a really good job "THIS WEEK" of controling my old habits, but wow is it hard. Why didn't they do brain surgery on me with my WLS?????????
Well, I think that's about it for updates for now.
OH YEAH, one more thing.... If anyone around the Ames area is interested in being a part of a support group, let me know. We're working on the plans for this. If that doesn't pan out for me, I'll work on a State Center group where I know that about 4 of us already want one here. LOL. (Such a small town to have so many WLS'ers
Well, Hope you all have a WONDERFUL weekend! I also hope you are all doing wonderfully!

Hi Tammy,
Thought you had gotten lost on us again! Have missed seeing you. As usual you have to much going on girl
You are doing wonderful keep up the good work. I bought a size 18 shorts yesterday, couldn't pass them up as they were only $1! Well, they almost fit, give it another week or 2. I haven't seen that size since.....well can't remember when
Isn't it a great feeling? Keep in touch.
would be interested in support group but a little far to drive!!!!
Big hugs to you girl,

Hello Tammy,
i'm gad things are going good for you except with that hernia I hated when I had mine. keep up the good work you are doing great. i'm going into cleaning when school starts for extra money. I have an appt with my Dr in oct to schedule a Dr for plastic surgey kind of nervious. well keep in touch we miss you on here. take care
Congrats on all your successes. You are very wise to want to wait until goal to get your ps done. Working in the OR I have seen too many patients come in and have ps done and then once they are healed they aren't happy because their physical image is not what their mental images of their bodies were. Plus if you have too much left to lose your body does not look proportioned.
Hernia's are a great way to have the tummy tucks paid for. I am really sorry yours is giving you such pain. Depending on where it is you can wear support garments and that helps hold it in. Like if it is in your belly button region.... wear some good control top panty hose. I have 4 to 5 hernia's that were found at surgery time. Two I knew about but have not given me any trouble.
Thanks for posting it is nice to see someone so far along the road that I can pretend.
Good Luck
P.S. what are you taking in school? Are you going to Iowa State? We are a Cyclone family - that is where my husb graduated.
Hello, girlie! How are you? It HAS been a long time since you posted anything! Sounds like your life is hectic and even though you will be working less hours, you will be busier because of school. Remember to take time for us when all that starts. LOL
What a tremendous job on your loss! I cannot imagine weighing in at 169! Wow!!! You are too cool! Just remember to be sure that you are at goal weight before ps. My cousin had ps done too soon and then lost more weight and is now unhappy with the results.
Keep in touch and God bless,
Hey there Tammy
We dont mind that you werent around due to all the things going on in your life! sounds like its about as crazy as mine!
I thought you were done with school? More!???!!!
I will be taking 17 credit hours, I know I am crazy, and only working every other weekend, so it will be crazy for me. doing the medical assistant program
169? that is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!
My dream would be that weight! lOL
take care of yourself and keep up with us once in a while~!
good luck with your hernia too hon!