Met surgeons goal!!!!!!
I can hardly believe it myself!!! I was never given a goal weight. I made sure to ask about it today, at my appt with surgeon. She said there goal is for all of their patients to lose 70% of their excess weight. I was 169lbs over weight and have already lost over 70%. I am currently 177, and I started at 293! I was a little shocked to say the least! I said, so this is it???? She asked if I was happy, I said of course YES, then asked if I wanted to lose more, and I said YES! And seeing as I am only 8 months out, she says there is no reason I can't work toward 140-150...I about died!! So to make a long story short, I am at my surgeons goal and now working towards my own....35 more pounds to go!!! Wish me luck!

First let me say you look awesome! You look like a teenie bopper in you photo. How on earth did you lose 148 lbs in 8 months? Were you able to eat anything at all. I am struggeling to hit the 100 lb mark and I am close to 7 months now. What's your secret??????????? Again way to go to met that goal and good luck with your personal goal.