8/2 Goals and Roll Call
Good afternoon, all,
How did your week go last wee****ep meaning to print my goals so I can have them handy and check them often to see how I am doing. Well, I intend to do that this week.
Did not get in the exercise that I needed last week because of going out of town. I will do better this week. Also, am still fighting the battle with starches and grazing. So, goals are:
1) Walking 4 times this week
2) Strengthening exercises 3 times
3) Log food, liquids, reactions, supplements, exercise, etc. using the log that Jackie gave me (changes to accommodate my supplement regimin)
4) Set times for eating
7) Lay off the starches!!!
I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this
What are your goals for the week?
God bless,
Good afternoon~nice to see your smiling face! We had storms this morning.....I was scared. I really dislike lightning!!! I did good last week, even though I didn't write any actual goals.....I exercised at least three times and I ate pretty well!! I am losing again too, down to 177!! I finally have my 6 month check up this Thursday in Iowa City, now that I am at 8 months.....lol!!!! So I am excited to see what they say! I hope everyone does great this week, I plan on it!!!
Goals~more exercising
~continued good eating
~limit carb snacking

LOL 6 month check-up at 8 months! I'm sure that it will go well for you. Was going to call this morning, but got busy. You were probably hiding from the lightning anyway.
Great job on the goals last week. You actually got exercise in - yeah!!! You have been doing wonderfully, now would you please come to my house and tie my hands together so I can't eat???
Talk soon and god bless,
Hey Andrea,
I have faith
in YOU! Hope your tummy cooperates in all your endeavors this week.
My Goals this week
1. Spirtual (heal the spirit and the body will follow) morning and nightly prayers and affirmations, not to be afraid to ask for help, reading and soul searching (daily)
2. Exercise, Nautilus, Strength Training, and Walking 3 times
3. Go to a smaller mountain dew for the morning and drink more water.
4. Finish the bedroom... (organize socks, undies, jammies, and stuff, and donate the excess....
5. Let myself do nothing for at least one weeknight and VEG OUT
God Bless

Thanks for having more faith in me than I have in myself! I had a good day then bombed tonight. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
About the tummy, I haven't been having that pain that sent me to the doc lately. Get full very easily and often am nauseated, but no pain. Hubby thinks that it was the EDGE Doritoes that I was eating - that one got stuck or something. But, it was like a week and a half of pain. Weird. Maybe I am just chewing better than I was before.
Love the spiritual goals. I love to walk in the morning. When I am not telling the dog to walk with me, I am in prayer almost constantly. Sometimes, when my butt gets dragging, I sing a contemporary Christian song and it puts a pep in my step - and yep - sometimes I even sing out loud! HEHEHE
Good luck on all your goals this week and God bless,
Haven't done this for a while, but I'm ready to try anything to get moving again. And if you find a way to get rid of thoise carbs, PLEASE share- they seem to be the bane of my existence!
1. Count the carbohydrates in ALL foods, not just the ones I think have them.
2. Get my hinder back to the gym at least 3 days a week.
3. Continue to walk that cute little neighbor beagle one mile, Monday through Friday.
4. Find that blankety blank Atkins book, and see how many carb grams are allowed on maintenance.
Thanks for keeping us all honest and on task, Andrea!
Jeri H.
Nice to see you here, Jeri,
Sounds like you have some good goals. Basically, to not do the carbs, I cannot have them in the house. Tonight, we took the kids to the park and I discovered that we had a container of Ritz Bitz in the diaper bag. Well, I proceeded to eat all of them. Even tried to hide it. How is that for addictive, obsessive-compulsive behavior. Sorry that I can't be of any more help when it comes to carbs.
Do you mean to tell me that other foods besides starches have carbs??? LOL Now, go get the baby beagle and get walking, girl!
God bless,