Update on my doctor appt in Grinnell last week
Well, went to a doctor appt last week... a check up from my upper GI and small bowel follow thru I had a month or two ago... Dr. Eibes said tht was OK, I need to start taking Miralax though (which ,my son has taken so I know what its about) something about the way my colon kinda folds over on my bowels, but its no big deal, just have to keep cleaned out.
So he starts talking about a tummy tuck? what!?!?! already? oh my gosh! He says he is happy with my weight loss, figures I will only lose a little bit more. I want to lose a LOT more! I am still stuck above 200 lbs. that sucks! so, I am going to work REALLY hard and prove him wrong! lol. Sounds like I could have the tummy tuck over winter break from school. WOW!
So, he did mention he wanted to *FINALLY* check my labs that he hasnt checked since my surgery last May, so sends me over to the hospital.. I had taken along my son, so luckily one of the desk ladies says she will take care of him for a few minutes while I get poked.
Everything is fine, and I go home. then on Friday the doctors office calls and leaves a msg, which I didnt get til Sunday when I got home from a family reunion. So now I am nervous and worried and worked up. I call back and find out what is wrong..
My folate levels are off, and my parathyroid levels are off, so I need to start taking a folate vitamin and 1000mgs of calcium every day. Guess I am a little bit worried about it, but now I know I will be OK
So I just wanted to update everyone, I just love this board for Iowa, we are such a caring group of ppl, and I know that i think of a lot of you often, wondering how everyone is doing.
Hugs to you all,
started at 360 on 5/15
now about 200.
wanting to be 160

Hey - glad to hear that things are okay for you with the bowel issues. Can't believe that the doc is talking a tummy tuck already. Just be sure that you are ready for it when he is. My cuz had one done too soon and lost more weight after it was done. Now she has a lot of loose skin again - nothing hanging down - but loose all over. She regrets having it done so soon.
Wanted to ask what low folate and parathyroid numbers can do. I know nothing about them at all. Fill us in, please.
Don't worry about losing more weight - we have faith in you and know that you can do it. By the way, have you found a significant other yet?
God bless,
Glad to know that you're doing okay. Aren't you glad you didn't have to fret over the missed message ALL weekend? Those wondering thoughts can really cut into a good time!
You can get the rest of your weight off, it just may take some real big efforts since you're now at about 15 months. BUT YOU CAN DO IT!!! We're right here for you if you need anything.
Take care!
-Deb W.
I am glad to hear everything was okay!!! How are you taking your B-12...I hear the best way for us to get it, besides shots, are the sublinqual/under the tongue.....and I get mine for like 4 bucks through hyvee or at walmart.....I also take a chewable calcium that taste like one big sweet tart....I love it!!! Plastic surgery is scary.....are you nervous thinking about it??? My good friend from highschool just bought a house and moved to Osage! Great job on the weightloss....I am sure you can make it to 160 if you put your mind to it!!! Take Care