Hardly any weight loss - last 5 months
From August 2003 to February 2004 I lost 175 pounds. It was fantastic! From February until now, I have lost 4 frickin pounds. I am exercings 5-8 times a week, both cardio and strength training. That part of me feels great, and I am glad of that. But for the last 5 months, only losing 4 pounds is maddening. I eat low carb, high protein 3 meals a day, hardly any sugar, drink 64 oz. + of water a day, and still lose nothing. ARGH!!!!! I am 70 pounds away from my goal, and about 50 pounds away from having abdominoplasty, and am very frustrated.
Hi James,
You have done fantastic! I understand how frustrating it is to think you are doing all the right things and not lose weight. Do you document what you are eating on fitday.com or some other program? Maybe you are actually eating more than you think, or maybe not getting enough protein. Have you calculated your protein need? Take your goal wt divided by 2.2. Take that times 1.25. That is the number of grams of protein you need each day.
I know that I'm early out compared to you, but when my lose seems to be slowing, I do a day of all liquids. Seems to jump start the loss. Just be sure to get enough protein. Maybe take a couple days off from exercising. Sounds like maybe your body has gotten used to what you are doing. If you vary what you arre currently doing, perhaps it will jump start your loss again.
Good luck!
Hi,Wow - you have done wonderfully! What an inspiration you are to all of us! That plateau does not sound like fun! I would be going nuts as well. Got a couple of questions for you - Does your surgeon have a special scale that will calculate your lean muscle mass and fat percentages? My guess is that you have converted much of the fat into muscle. Also, have you lost inches during this time frame? If so, that is probably due to your working out. I also read that you should alternate the exercising because the body may get used to one exercise and quit responding as it did initially to the routine, (I don't know the validity of this, so it's worth researching. Let us know if you find out more info, please.)
Hang in there - you are truly doing a wonderful job!!!
God bless,
Don't have any answers for you you, but I seem to be in the same boat. Ever since starting at the gym in February, I've only dropped about 10 pounds. The surgeon says I'm eating too many carbs and not enough fat. The gym Nazi's say I need the carbs for energy, and the fat is a definate no-no. I even took a 2 week sabatical from the gym, ate Atkins for the 2 weeks, but to no avail. I'm almost to the point of giving up- except I feel better when I work out, and carbs make me eat more than I should. It's really funny- sometimes I can eat ALOT, and sometimes hardly anything at all. I have another appointment with the surgeon on August 11- guess I'll see what he has to say. I am only 60 pounds out from goal and the tummy tuck.
GRRRRR! Anyone out there with similar problems??
Jeri H.
James, I will say this AMAZING 175 lbs, that is wonderful. Also as far as advice I don't really have any other than to say that your body is still recovering and adjusting to it's new size and weight. What type of vitamins are you taking? I am trying the Carb Assist one a day I believe the brand and they really increase my energy level.
I too though have hit a plateau and am hungry all the time ! BAD BAD BAD but I really am trying to keep track of everything that passes my lips. Oh also I have heard and read that any extra or unusual stress may be a large contributing factor to weight retention. So if you can try to seek some calm and destress and just be pleased with what you have accomplished thus far you may be surprised at the results. GOOD LUCK!!
Hey James;
Have you talked to your doctors about this? My doctor revised my initial goals (in my case down not up but it a thought) and remember muscle weighs more than fat. I gained about 10 lbs when I started cardio and strength training, but I am actually smaller than 10 lbs ago. (thighs and waist anyway), so maybe start measuring.
Another thing that I personally think is not to weigh more than once a week, I was obsessed with the scale for about a year. (I would stress out over any weight gain) now as long as my clothes fit and I am on program it's for the best that I avoid scales (as much as possible)
The only other thing is a food journal... it really helps me stay accountable.
God Bless and Take Care
Little Brother -
And I do mean little. When I saw you last week I could tell that you had gotten smaller from when I saw you last. I think we should have taken your measurements of your chest, tummy, and hips. I really think what is happening is that you are losing inches and gaining mucle. Jim you look great! I am so darn proud of you!
Keep up the good work, you'll be there soon!

(P.S. Update for you - I've lost 87 lbs. Not bad for 5 months, huh!?!)