protien and gas
Hey Jim,
This is a common problem and believe or not we post about it. You can get the over the counter aids such as BEANO. I also find that if a space my protein out through out my day (snacks and not so much at meals) it does help a little. Also if your gas is going the other way GAS-EX works.
I have the DENY at all costs theory of gas... and I have a cat --he gets blamed quite often! LOL
Have a great day. (get a pet, and just relax)

Ah yes, the good ole protein toots! I know my surgeon asked me about it when I went to my checkup. They said several patients were complaining. Mine seems to come and go somewhat depending on what I'm eating. I would agree that Beano and Gas-X will probably help to some extent. Certainly they are better than getting exiled from family get-togethers! I think there is a prescription out there that can help also if you're to the point where it's a real embarassment. You might check with the surgeon's office?
Hope that will help! Take care now!
-Deb W.
Sooooooooooooo, it's the protein that is the culprit, huh??? I didn't know that. I just know that I am a lot more gassy than I ever was presurgically!.....and, if I try to hold it in, I get severe pains in the little tummy. Sorry, I try to be inconspicuous, but when impossible, hope that there is a pet or a kid around to blame it on, (just kidding).
God bless,