Cold Fusion Foods
I watch the food network channel. The other night Unwrapped did a piece on Cold Fusion Protein Juice Bars. Each bar has 10-11 grams of protein. I want to get some and see if I would like these. But they do not sell them in Omaha/Council Bluffs. I can order on line but you have to buy atleast $60.00 worth of product. I don't want a case in my fridge if it doesn't taste good to me.
Here is my question... has anyone had a juice not milky kinda product that is good and we can find locally? Also one more picky thing... I don't like the texture of anything thick like ranch dressing thick (I add ho****er to my dressing so I can eat them)
I just can't do the protein with milk stuff.... I puke.
Also one more thing.... you know the slim fast, dr phil, ect drinks in a can thing.... why is it that we shouldn't drink those?
Have a good day....

Here's a couple of things I like(d): Minute Maid Tropical Mango in a 12 oz can. I think there's 10 calories per can and it's not carbonated. Only drawback is it's sweetened with aspartamine.
I also liked the nectar protein powder which is mixed with water. I did mine in the blender with ice and made a smoothie out of it. I really liked the apple and cherry berry.
Hope that helps.
I like Isopure drinks. They come ready to drink at GNC. They are in see through glass bottles and taste kind of like watered down kool-aid. They have an orange,fruit punch that I like. I like the fruit punch the best. They have 40 gr. of protein per 20 oz.. I usually drink 1/2 the bottle in the am and finish the other 1/2 in the pm.
Hope this helps,
I have tried the Isopure also & really hate it but it's worth a try to just buy one & freeze it in popsicle molds if you want a high protein treat.
As far as the drinks in a can, my dietician said to start with the Adkins ones as they have almost no sugar. Most of them have too much sugar. The Adkins ones made me
! Milk makes me feel sick so I am drinking flavored soy milk mixed with soy protein powder. It's GOOD! You might want to try that. It can also be frozen for a snack.

I am a protein bar girl... here's the the recipe right from the board. THEY ARE GREAT AND NO MILKY AFTERTASTE. After a having a feeding tube for 6 months the smell of those things just sends right to
I don't know about anyone else but after WLS I get nauseous about the littlest things.
PS You have be careful about the can drinks for sugars, and carb content.
Protein Bars
Mash together 1/2 stick melted butter, 1/2 peanut butter (crunchy is best), and 1/2 c. softened cream cheese. Add 1 3/4 c. vanilla protein powder, 1 T. vanilla, 2 T. Splenda, and 1/2 cup chopped peanuts. It will be crumbly. Press firmly (really!) into 8"x8" pan and freeze. Cut into 12 bars.
There is over 30 grams of protein per bar. Even though they look small, I can hardly finish one. After slicing, put in little bags and keep frozen. Otherwise they crumble very easily. Handy for eating at my desk at work but can be a little messy

Sorry, haven't had the cold fusion protein juice bars. I personally use Elite protein powders that I order from Susan Maria's website ( There are also other websites such as and I think that you can order protein powders from. At most of these sites as well as others, probably, you can order samples of different protein powders. Good luck in your search.
God bless,
Ok. The Cold Fusion Bars. I would check w/ Hy-Vee to see if they would order some and stock them on there shelf. They are usually pretty good at doing stuff like that. Especially with the low carb craze. I don'****ch Dr. Phil, but there are 2 diff. kinds of slimfast. Reqular and low carb. The regular stuff has tons of sugar. The low carb has much much less. I am allowed to drink the low carb stuff.
Hope this helps a little.