update on tummy
Ha! When I told my girls (7 and 9) about the surgery my youngest (adopted from China 2 years ago) said that she didn't want me to lose weight because I wouldn't be as comfy and snuggly as I am now.
Mind you -- this is from the girl who didn't want me to visit her summer school last year because she was afraid that the kids would laugh at me because I was so fat -- I had lots of tears over that one
-- I ended up going and was the hit of the afternoon because I took turns flipping all of the kids up on my shoulder -- she was relieved and proud.
Anyway, I told her that if I lose weight I will be able to take her on the roller coaster and she quickly changed her mind and decided I should have the surgery.
It's the little things like that that keep us from living life to the fullest and are the most galling. I'm looking forward to riding the roller coasters next summer!!!
Have a terrific time! I hope you stricture issue works itself out.

I am sooo glad the news is "fixable"...
Have a wonderful time at Great America and
some for all of us on the board!!!
I know my waterpark trip last year I felt sooo much relief it was a watershed moment. I even went in the kiddie park.. The life gaurd laughed at my neice and I and said "oh go ahead you can't weigh too much over 100 lbs" so I went down all of the kid slides and I FIT TOO!!!! I was sooo happy I was crying, and Sammy was saying "Aunt Paula don't cry, I like you because YOU PLAY!!!" It's priceless moments like those that I thank God and remember why he let me live. I and everyone else who has this surgery has something to give back... This is my purpose... To lending a helping hand or a kind word to others... and spread God's love through my thoughts, words, and deeds.
Go slowly on the eating... and take your time. Oh and on the remote chance it doesn't work I cross my heart the endoscopies are NOT bad... number 1 you don't remember a thing, and number 2 I always FELT 100 times better AFTER... I was able to eat and drink without getting sick.
Well enough my ramblings...
God Bless and TTFN

Sorry that you won't see this for a few days. Hope that you all have a fabulous time at Great America.
Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. That can really be a bummer. Hopefully, at least knowing what's going on will make things a little brighter anyway. Keeping my fingers crossed that you don't need to get scoped!
Take care now!
-Deb W.
Have fun at Great America. Keep us posted on your tummy. Who knows all that jiggling from the rides my shake loose your stricture. Maybe when you get back and your still having problems you could go ahead and have a scope done. I would rather get scoped any day than drink barium.
Have fun and take care.