update on tummy
Good afternoon all,
Just wanted to let you all know that the tummy is okay. Had an upper GI this morning. The radiologist had me drink one sip then three medium drinks of the yummy barium stuff. After that, I said "uhhhh" (because it hurt) and he said, "I see what's going on. Take one more sip." After another sip, he told me that I have a stricture.
So, I dressed and walked down to the center to see the surgeon. Waited about an hour and a half to see him because it was not a scheduled visit - fretting the whole time and with a tremendous headache because I hadn't had anything to eat or drink all day and was afraid that they would do a scope, so didn't dare eat or drink then.
Finally saw him and he said that it was a "small stricture" then he said he was really reluctant to call it a stricture, but there did look to be some narrowing of the stoma. Since I can still get down food and liquid, he said we had some options, the first being to have a scope done to see what was going on and then possibly stretch if he needed to. The second option, since I am getting down food and liquid, was to concentrate more on chewing, chewing, chewing and see how I do. If the symptoms do not persist or get worse, then we will be okay. You know me, I chose the second option. I know, I know, I may be avoiding the inevitable, but gotta give it a try. I will try not to complain too much in the meantime! By the way, thanks Jesi and all of you for listening to me whine. Thanks also for all of your prayers and concern.
On another note, I am going to leave tomorrow morning for Great America. I am going to ride as many rides as I can without being sick!!!
I will miss you all!!
Thanks again for being here for me and God bless,

Thanks - I'm sure that I can find something - if not, will have the standbys ready - cheese sticks and protein bars. Actually, since this stuff with the tummy, I can only eat half of a protein bar anymore. Yogurt will be good if they have sugar free because I dump on just about anything these days.
I'm not that young, anymore, Janie, (I'll be 37 this November). I haven't been on a roller coaster since um.....um.....maybe high school? Wow, that's been a long time. I will probably get "urpy" after the first one, but you bet I'll be going on more just to prove that I can!!!
God bless,
P.S. Thanks for the heads up about the food. I almost forgot the protein bars in the freezer.
Hi! I agree I would try the second option myself first. I just hope everything goes good and it doesn't get larger. I hope you have lots of fun at Great America. I remember last year when we went to Adventureland my daughter wanted me to ride a ride with her and I couldn't get the bar down and the ride was packed and I was so embarrassed. We have come along way! ANd no more rides we can't ride except the 4-5 year old rides! I hope you have a wonderful time! Kim
Second option is the one for me! I certainly hope that the stricture doesn't get any smaller/larger - you know what I mean.
Great America should be fun. One of the deciding factors for me to have surgery was last year when we went and my daughter rode her first big roller coaster with daddy because mommy was too fat. I would not even try at over 320 pounds. Now I can't wait! And....it's not just the rides, even standing in line being herded like cattle but not feeling like the cow that takes up all of the space between the bars is going to be great! Yep - we've come a long way and I got further to go, but am enjoying the changes thus far.
I will tell you all about it when I'm back.
God bless,
Glad to hear that you now know what's going on. I'm sure a stricture isn't any fun, but if you can chew, chew, chew and avoid the procedure, that's the way to go. I'm wondering if I'm not developing one. I
today on a bite of chili. Maybe too big of a bite, but not huge. I've had problems with meat especially. I go in for a post op visit in a couple weeks. In the meantime, I'm trying to chew, chew, chew.
Have a great time!

I certainly hope that you don't have a stricture! I would take tomorrow and really look at the size of bites that you are taking and how much you are chewing. My hubby informed me that I have been slacking in those areas over the past month or so and he's right. (Thank God, literally, that he didn't say that to me before I had any caffeine today - yes, I allow myself one 20 oz glass daily!)
Keep us updated on what your surgeon says and be sure to call if things get worse.
God bless,
Isn't it something, that you have something on/in your body that's TOO SMALL! I know the farther out I am, the more reminders I need of the basics- more protein, less of those tasty, but nasty carbs, chew and drink! We just got back from World's of Fun, and I fit in every ride I attempted- a BIG change fro the last time I was there 20 some years ago! Have fun, and enjoy this time with your family. Only 32 days until school starts for us here!
Jeri H.