:jump: Small Victories....
Hello.... It is amazing through this process of losing that I find great satisfaction in very small things.
Today I went back to work for the first time. I was very nervous - kinda like it being my first day in the OR. I was worried that I couldn't remember how to do my job. I was also kinda wiggy because I was afraid of people watching me eat and commenting about it. Of course there was one that just felt she had permission to remark about my lunch. Oh well perhaps in the future they will forget.
Here are my victories: Before surgery (BS) I had to wear the largest scrubs available (3X) so that I could bend over and not split my pants. Today I put on the (2x) and they fit. They are loose in the legs and a couple of my friends kept telling me to go change because my scrubs were too big. Tomorrow I am going to try to get the (1X) on. If I can't I will be okay with that because I don't stick out anymore because I wear the off colored scrubs. I also have gone down a half size in surgical gloves... BS I was wearing a 7 1/2 I wore 7's today and that felt good - because sometimes BS I was wearing gloves larger than the docs. My surgical shoes are now flopping around on my feet. It felt good to be back in the saddle.
I also went down the hall to my surgeon's office to weigh. I have dropped 3 more pounds since last Tuesday. I am now at 219. When I went for my initial visit in February I was 252. (Thank you Lord)
Well I hope all is well and having a good day!!!!

I am so happy for you!
I wear scrubs also and they are not very flattering to our figures
I wish you the best and I am having fun buying smaller scrubs they are much cuter and flattering to us. It does feel like everyone is watching to see what she is eating today. Then all the questions come. So your meal is interuppted. Been there! Have a great day! Kim

Hey Melinda
I am Paula, I can relate to the uniform blues...I spent a couple years in the Army (5 months of it in Maternity BDUs) so I know what it feels like to wear something unflattering day after day... It kind of wears on your esteem.
Fear not I see lots of cute outfits in you future.
And don't let the nosy ones get you down. When people comment on my eating or lack thereof, I just smile and say, "I didn't know you were so concerned, thank-you. Tomorrow I'll bring extra and you can join me". That shuts them right up! Especially in the beginning when you aren't eating anything to "write home about"!!! (cottage cheese, and protein drinks) ... (BLECH!!!! I do protein bars now, never got used to drinking those things.)
Enough my rants...