Prayers are needed again!!!!!
Today is another sad day for my my dad was in an accident he has head trama not sure how bad yet...they life flighted him to sioux city this afternoon...we went to see him...he is talking but he asks questions over and over...that can be expected cuz of the pain meds...we will know more tomorrow they will be doing more testings....i am so glad he is alive and talking...he kept saying he was sorry cuz it was my daughters birthday...i just said well we will have it when you come the last two months i have had a lot of family in the hospitals... my mom in june and we just found out she has fibromyalgia, my grandma has surgery a couple weeks ago my niece was just in the hospital they thought she had west niles...the drs said we need to stop can you all pray for my dad please.....he is going to need it....lynda