Wanted: Support Group Central Iowa

Hi Jill,
I work for Mary Greeley Hospital in the PT department, and we're working on forming a wellness group for gastric bypass patients. WELL, the HIGHER UPS are working on it....... They say it's on the "back burner" for now. UMPH! Anyway, I presented to my boss (as I'm JUST the secretary) the reasons we need a group like this and the types of services we should offer and well, I didn't get any response. UMPH AGAIN!!!! They were talking fitness, but I said we needed to add additional services as well such as support group meetings, possible samples of different types of protein drinks, and as far as the wellness (exercise) end of it, we needed to focus on particular hard-areas for bypass patients. But, nothing yet has been started, again....on the back burner.
SOOOOOO, I would be more then HAPPY to help you get a group going. I live in State Center, but commute to Ames daily for work (minus wednesdays).
You should email me and we'll bounce some Ideas back and forth to see what we can get going. We SOOO need a support group around Ames though, especially with Dr. Hardy doing surgeries right there! I bet he and his staff would help us too if we asked
Let me know~

Jill, I would also be very interested in a support group in the Ames area. I had my surgery back in November, and while I've lost quite a bit of weight, I seem to be somewhat "stalled," and would love to talk with others who are going through the same thing. Please let me know if you are able to get something going, or need help to try to set things up. Thanks!