Protein Shakes
At the June support group meeting at Genesis, Dav the Dietician gave out samples of protein shakes. Would anyone know what brand that was? I was actually able to get those down and after finding out that I should be avoiding "certain pre-made comes in a can shakes", I would like to get some of it ordered.
I've kinda given up eating most of everything here lately so I need to get ahold of some kind of shake pretty quick. The darn gall bladder is not cooperating. I do go Monday back to my surgeon to see if he can play connect the dots on my tummy and take the darn thing OUT! I don't eat fat anymore, so who needs it! Not me...
Enjoy this cooler weather, isn't it just gorgeous out!
I was at the same meeting... And the protien shake is called Designer Whey..... I purchase it at Vitamin world.... It is usually 30% off.... They also have a club where things are 30% the first monday and tuesday of each month.... Which all helps when buying the protien powders....
I make the chocolate one with warm water and it is just like a cup of hot cocoa!!!!
Thanks a bunch for the info. For the life of me, if I don't write things down I never remember! I could actually get those down and they weren't half bad. I will have to try your recipe for "hot choc". We were motorcycling this weekend up in WI and I know I could have used a cup up there. It was a bit on the cool side.
Thanks again!
Kathy Jo,
Hey girl, how are you doing? If you are not eating anything, you need to be careful. Hopefully that gall bladder will come out soon!
I think that you can also get the Designer Whey protein powder on some websites, including
Hope this helps and feel priveledged because Gomez replied to your post!!!!
God bless and feel better soon,

Hey thanks. Thursday night was pretty bad. I started to have an attach at the support meeting and new I had to get home. It was a long night, not getting to bed until 3 am. I'm going Monday to see the surgeon. I took myself off the stupid drug that was suppose to help but definately didn't but I am feeling better and have actually ate this weekend. So Yea!!
I'm going to go check some sites out now.
Thanks again, you are so helpful!!!