Well I finally got my insurance straightened out and called my surgeon's office to explain to them that I start back up at college in a month and had to get in for my surgery ASAP. They got right on it and called me back and said Tuesday.
So July 27th is it for me. Please pray for me. I go in for my pre-op tomorrow and it is a 4 hour drive so I need to get to bed. Wish me luck!

I teach and also had open. My surgery was 2 weeks before Christmas break, then with the break added in, I think that I had 5 weeks home. I went back after that and after 2 days, got the flu. Heck of a thing to have after the surgery!!!
If you rest up and your doctor approves, 4 weeks should be a good recovery time. Each person is different and it will depend on what your doc says. Be sure not to pu**** during those 4 weeks at all, though. Probably one of those rolling backpacks would be good, because I know that most people have a lifting restriction for at least 6 weeks. I could not lift my 1 and a half year old for a long time.
Have faith, you will do fine. Just be sure to follow doctor's orders. Try to get lots of rest pre-surgery as well. A rested body may heal better.
God bless,
Yay! We both made our dates. One thing about it -- it doesn 't give you much time to get nervous!
I'm so excited for you. This will be great -- by the time school starts up you should be recoverd, for the most part, and will probably be 20+ lbs lighter!!!
Congrats! See you on the "other side" - the "losing side" that is.