Food Suggestions Please....
I am going to start back to work next week. I need some suggestions about how to pack a lunch and what are some good ideas for food. I work in the operating room and I am usually scrubbed in most of the day. I want something that will stick to my little tummy and prayfully won't cause the grossest of gas.
I am also really worried about eating in front of people. I have only eaten in front of my husband and kids since surgery. I had a lot of negative feedback from co-workers when they found out about my surgery (even though we work with the doc that did my BPD) So I am kinda freaky about these people looking at me and then of course comenting.
One last thing..... how do you put those cute little things on your messages? (sorry I can hand off instruments like a champ to the surgeon but the computer... amazing that I can even find the website)
Thanks all.... Melinda
I'm pre-op so I don't really have food suggestions for you, yet, but I can tell you how to put the "emoticons" on your messages.
When you are composing a message or reply there is a toolbar on the right side of the message window. At the top are two "buttons". You click on the down arrows to see what is underneath.
The "Title Images" button will add an emoticon to your message title if you simply click on the one you want.
For "Message Emoticons" you must type in the characters on the left of the emoticon that you want and these characters will be translated into the emoticon for you. You will see them translated in your "Preview".
Hope this helps!

Hi Melinda,
My fav lunch is cottage cheese. It always goes down and stays there. Also ham salad, chicken salad, tuna salad, chili (may cause gas), yogurt. I was eating tuna salad but now it tastes funny to me. My tastes change on a daily basis. My doc, who has had the surgery himself, says everyday is an adventure.
He has us do 3 double milks a day so we get in all our protein. Double milk is 1 C skim with 1/3C non fat dry milk, and a tablespoon or two SF Nestle Quick. I can snarf that down pretty quickly. Hope this helps.