Surgery Date!!!
After my whining and complaining I'm thrilled
to announce that my surgery has been set for August 10 at Grinnell Regional Medical Center with Dr. David Coster!!!
This is great -- I can get the worst of my recovery over before the girls start back to school.
Okay -- I admit it -- I get a little obsessive. My tactic is to make myself a pest so that it's easier to get it done rather than deal with me every day.
Then I express my gratitude profusely.
I'm very excited!!!
Thanks to everyone who has been pulling for me!... and please know that I'm pulling for those still waiting!

Thanks for all of the support, everybody!
I'm going to have open RNY because this is considered a revision of a stomach stapling that I had 22 years ago and it will be a bit more complicated than a "virgin" stomach. Even thought I am still fairly limited in what I can eat, I can eat more than I should be able to and Dr. Coster believes that I have a staple line disruption.
One of the reasons I was so anxious to get this scheduled quickly is that my support is 1.5 hours south (Corydon) and I wouldn't pull my two girls (9 and 7) out of school for my recovery down there. I was afraid that I would have to wait until Christmas. Dr. Coster's office really came through for me on the scheduling.
We will all go down to my folks after the surgery for a couple of weeks and then come back up to the Des Moines area so the girls can start school on August. I expect to be off of work for one or two weeks more after that - perhaps through the Labor Day holiday. Thank heavens for ST disability!
I've had the previous gastroplasty and a c-section with no issues and I'm pretty confident that the surgery will go fine. Of course, as my evil
twin sister (5'6" and 125 lbs - life is NOT fair) pointed out, I'm older now. My youngest daughter was not sure she wanted me to have the surgery -- she said that I wouldn't be as snuggly. But when I pointed out that I would be able to take her on the roller coaster she quickly decided that I should do it.
Thanks, again!