1 Year Anniversary
One year ago today, at noon to be exact, I started my path to being a big loser. Thanks to Dr. Glas**** and his staff at Sartori Hospital in Cedar Falls, my life has changed dramatically. I started my journey with the following stats - 420 pounds, 225 cholesterol, size 54/56 pants, 3x/4x shirts, lower back pain, sciatic nerve pain, among others. To date, I have lost 185 pounds (unofficially - my one year check up was postponed because my Dr. felt he needed a vacation - go figure), cholesterol about 175, size 38 pants, l/xl shirts, no aches/pains - except for the ones I have inflicted on myself. The only things that I have had problems with during this whirlwind jouney are the fact that I battled gout in both of my ankles at the same time, which really sucked, because it was during the fall of the year when I was teaching, coaching, and officiating and was forced to be on my feet most of the day - OW, this pain was worse that the surgery. The other problem, which really turned out to be pretty minor was some bacteria in my urine - which caused me to freak out at the time because I urinated blood one night for no apparent reason and ended up in the ER. Other than that I have had an awesome year - I walk or ride my bike between 5 and 10 miles a day with my dog - although I have not taken him on my bike lately since he caused my another trip to the ER because he thought it would be fun to see me do a face plant in the middle of the street causing me to partially tear a muscle in my shoulder. Recovery has gone very well with that as well. I love walking into gatherings with people who have not seen me in a while, and have them stare at me trying to figure out just exactly who I am and why I might be at that gathering, and then seeing their dumbfounded expressions when I tell them who I am. I love being able to sit in movie theatre seats comfortably. I enjoy giving my friends and family all of the food that I cannot eat when we go to a restaurant because I am full instead of the other way around. I love going shopping in normal sized stores for clothes that I always thought were "cool" and now being able to fit into them. I love telling people that I have lost 185 pounds in a year, have them look at me like I am crazy, and then show them a dated picture.
I could go on and on - I just had to share this with people who are experinencing the same wonderful things - at their own pace, in their own ways, and giving those who are researching this to see if it is right for them another positive story to read. I could not have done this on my own, and I am not just talking about the surgery - I also mean reading this message board daily for advice, a laugh, some tears, and some eye openers to remind me that this is a tool and not a cure for the disease that affects all of us here.
Here I am rambling again - thanks for listening - best of luck to all of you in your journey - wherever you may be.

You lost a whole grown up guy!! I can only imagine how freeing that must be. And with hardly any problems too. What an amazing year and I'm sure it will keep being amazing for a long time.
Thanks so very much for posting. Very inspirational - now - I need to go for a walk!!!! I want to be at goal too at a year out!!
Take care Brad and keep us posted!
And congrats on your loss, you should be very proud!
-Deb W.

Congratulations on your great loss!!!

I bet you look and feel like a whole new man!!! You should be very proud of how far you've come!! You're an inspiration to all! You're proof of the miracle that WLS is to the millions of morbidly obese people out there. I'm three and 1/2 months out from surgery, and down 75 lbs! I'm already
feeling so much better!!! I never thought I'd enjoy being a loser so much!
Enjoy your new life!!!! DeeAnn

Wow - to say that you are an inspiration is an understatement. Your accomplishment is phenomenal!!!!! You have lost three young kids, 37 five pound bags of sugar or a grown man - how's that feel to have off your back?????
My hat's off to you!!
God bless,
P.S. Now, post more often to give us more advice!!