7/17 & 7/18 plans/Carnie event
I posted earlier about getting together after the Carnie Wilson event at the Machine Shed restaurant in Davenport. That post is copied below. I still need to know who will be coming so I can get a number to the manager for reservations. I would like to call him no later than Friday. (If you responded to my earlier post, I have you counted.)
Also, for those of you that want to get together Saturday evening, we will be meeting at the Clarion hotel in downtown Davenport with Janet, Carolyn and their crew at 6:00. Possible activities include swimming in the pool or hanging out in the lounge.
Please post a response or send me an e-mail if you have any questions or will be attending the dinner.
Looking forward to seeing you all,
God bless,
*Copied from an earlier post*
Ok, Ok, I'm sorry that I am so slow to get this going. If you are interested in getting together after the Carnie Wilson event, I have plans made. I finally have reservations for us to meet at the Iowa Machine Shed restaurant on Sunday, July 18th at 6:30 P.M. The restaurant is located at 7250 Northwest Blvd. in Davenport. If you are on interstate 80, it is Exit 292. Then turn south on Northwest Blvd. It will be on your right hand side. (There are other ways to get there from the RiverCenter.)
Anyway, I talked to a manager and explained that we are a group that has had gastric bypass surgeries. He said that we can order kid's portions of some of the menu items, 1/2 portions of some other menu items or choose the whole portions and take some home with us. He really sounded like they will be very accommodating.
So, I need to get a rough idea how many will be coming. Please respond ASAP so I can call with a number of reservations. The more the merrier!!
Looking forward to seeing everyone!
God bless,
The address for the Clarion motel is 227 LeClaire Street, Davenport. It is downtown Davenport only about two blocks from the RiverCenter, where the event is going to be. The phone number of the Clarion is 563-324-1921. Directions are: 61 South (also called Harrison Street) all the way downtown, then left on 2nd street. Take 2nd street to LeClaire Street. You should see the hotel then on LeClaire.
While I'm at it, the directions for the Machine Shed from the RiverCenter are: 2nd Street to 61 North (also called Brady Street). Follow that all the way up the hill to 53rd Street. Turn left, or west, onto 53rd street. Follow 53rd Street to Northwest Boulevard. Turn right onto Northwest Boulevard. There is a point on that road where you come to a stop sign and have to turn right to remain on Northwest Boulevard. Follow the boulevard a little further and you will see the Iowa Machine Shed on the left hand side. If you go over interstate 80, you have gone too far.
Sorry if my directions aren't too good. If you need me to clarify, please e-mail or post to let me know. Also, FYI, if you all get to the Machine Shed before me, just tell them that we have reservations under my name. They should be prepared for us.
Looking forward to meeting a lot of you,
God bless,
Andrea...Do you know how long the Carnie event lasts? I would love to go to dinner with all of you, but 6:30 dinner will put me back to West Des Moines around midnight. And I'd be hating myself the next morning when I get up for work early!
So, I'll have to pass.
Will let you know if I come to town Sat night. I'm planning on driving to Davenport Sunday morning, but haven't firmed things up yet so it could still change. Thanks for organizing this!
Francie P
Lap RNY 4/27/04
-47.5 lbs

According to the itinerary that I have from Genesis, the event concludes at 5:30. I figure that after we mill around outside, it would be 6:00 or 6:30 before we got to the restaurant. Sorry if that won't work for you. Is there any way that you can stay?
Hope things work out,
God bless,
Andrea...I'd be hating myself Monday morning if I stayed. Plus, my husband and son may drive over with me (not going to Carnie though), and they'll be ready to head back.
I may come Saturday if the Clarion still has rooms left. If it works out, I'd like to meet you guys at the hotel. It would be nice to put names with faces (heck, generally NEW faces compared to the pics everyone has on here, right?) after reading these boards for so long.
Thanks for arranging all this for us!
Francie P
That would be great if you were staying at the hotel. I know that Janet, Carolyn and a couple of others are staying there. I will e-mail you my cell phone number in case you need to get ahold of me. Otherwise, I will be meeting everyone at the Clarion Lounge on Saturday as noted earlier.
Looking forward to meeting you and God bless,