I'm FINALLY here!
Hiya Everyone!
I have missed you all OOODLES! My computer crashed at home and I have not had access to this website or my hotmail
Now, I have TONS of emails to get through, so just incase any of you are in my "inbox", I will reply as SOON as possible!
1st of all, CONGRATS to Andrea!!!
What a GREAT accomplishment! You SHOULD BE VERY PROUD GIRLY!!!!!!!!! I'm VERY proud of you! You need a party for that one!
Next, HOW ARE YOU ALL DOING? Sherry, Elizabeth, Lori, Judi, Jesi, Andrea, Dawn, Carolyn, Jeri, Deb, Laurie~ EVERYONE?????????? WOW, I have missed TOO much!
Well, for me, things are great. I feel great other then my monster hernia causing me greif! Went to a check-up this past Thursday and doctor said only 35 pounds left for me to go (I'm 8 months out now). He's aiming for weight stabilization before December, and then aiming for Hernia repair, tummy tuck, and breast lift (possible reduction) in February. That seems SO far away, but as busy as I have been, I know it will be here before I know it. I'll hopefully see the plastic surgeon for the 1st time in September. I'm sure my insurance will be a pain to get approval, so that's why we need to start early. I'm fitting into size 12's and 14's shorts, jeans, and pants and Medium shirts~ MEDIUM??!!?? From a 3X/4X. I cannot believe that! LOL. I started sublingual B-12 yesturday, so we'll see if that will help my energy levels any. I'm going to my PCP to have my thyroid rechecked on Wednesday. My levels two months ago shown that I had HypOthyroidism, but "slight". So, no meds yet, but we must keep a good eye on it. I'm doing better with the exercise. I ride my bike, swim, and walk a lot. I have also made a big decision. I'm going back to school in August to begin working on my BA in Business. WHAT AM I THINKING? LOL. SO, I'll be juggling that, my kids, and my hubby with spina bifida PLUS my job! WOWZERS! Last year at this time I would have NEVER considered taking all of that on at once. I would have just "went to bed". Thank GOD for my newly found health! I feel so blessed to be healthy right now. I'm enjoying every day as if it were my last. It's wonderful. Today, I took my kids to a water park. I found that my size L swim suit is TOO BIG~ Unfortunately, I had to find that out the hard way too. As I'm flying down a HUGE water tube and plunging into the deep end, OUT POPS MY BUPPIES!!!!!!! YIKESSSSSSSSSS
So, before another swimming trip, I will be heading to the Walmart sale rack for a new suit!
Well, I guess I need to get out for my walk. I will hopefully hear from you all SOON so I can get caught up. I MISS YOU GUYS!
Take care!

Tammy - you're baCK!!! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh We have missed you lots. Glad to hear that your puter is fixed. Sounds like you are doing well, besides the hernia. Hopefully, with the hernia repair insurance will pay for tummy tuck at the same time. I certainly know what you mean about boob lift - man, it is needed, thank God for good bras!!!
Now, after all that you've been through with school, you're going to go back? Good for you. It's a lot of work, but you can do it and will feel so proud of your accomplishments!!!
Thanks for the congrats on the race. It was awesome! I'm still on cloud nine!
Hey, a lot of folks are coming to Davenport next Sunday to see Carnie Wilson. Any chance that you want to come? I can get you more info if you want it.
Glad you're back,
God bless,

Hello Tammy
welcome back we all missed you. I sure know how you feel about Hernias they suck but it will get better the B12s have really helped me i was low on my B leveals and Iron i'm doing better now congrats on your weightloss I bet it feels great to buy smaller clothes I love shopping now. its so much fun.take care
We've seen it once we've seen it a million times........lose a little weight and forget about us on the boards.....lol......just teasing!!!!! I am so glad to hear all is going well for you!!! Isn't crazy, your gonna go back to school, your working out, when before you would just go to bed......I so hear you on that one!!!!! I am doing good.....still losing, just more slowly, waiting for my check-up! Trying to enjoy a little summer before it passes me by! I am trying to up my exercise, never got into it much, but I am doing a little better........It was great to hear from ya!!! Take Care and don't be a stranger

Hey Tammy!
Well, don't feel too bad, you aren't the only one who needs to get caught up. I don't know why, but for some reason I've been a bit depressed and really let it mess around with my head. I guess I was just having a pity party or something. Anyway, I'm going to try to make sure I put myself out there a little bit more.
Nice to have you back and, hey lady, no giving public peep shows anymore -- okay!!??!? Get a smaller suit, sheesh!
Take care and talk soon!
-Deb W.