Starting over....kind of...P.E.W.!!!
I started this process at 306lbs, if you call that a lightweight?
I personally wasn't light by all means, but I am 5'11. I think a lot of my problem lately has been stress. My brother-in-law is going through a really nasty divorce and his ex-wife has been threatning all of us.
She abused him and is using their kids as a bargaining tool. Not a good situation at all. And when I'm stressed I grab for anything easy to eat. A definate
. Today went really well though and I got all my liquids in so I am glad about that. Without this website I don't know what I would do.
We will all make this journey together.

What a good idea. I would join you, but the walking has been working for me so far. I need to clean out the cupboards from camping though. Got some chips and things - sent most home with others, but I did eat some of them.
Also, remember that you have been under a lot of stress. That makes a difference. Now focus on you!!
You can do this!
God bless,