Starting over....kind of...P.E.W.!!!
Anyone want to join me on my "plateau buster"? I am gonna start Monday with liquids for 2 days, softs for 2 days, etc. Up the water and protein and exercise. I have been on this stupid plateau for almost 8 weeks now and am SICK of it!! I want in the century club so bad I can almost taste it! Anyone wanna join me?
P.E.W.....Protein, Exercise, Water, it stinks, but ya gotta do it!
Hi Sherry!
On Monday, (that way it gives me time to get good stuff and get rid of the bad stuff that has sncuk in this house!
) I am just going to start like a new post-op, but for 2 days each. If that doesn't work, I will do it again for 3 days. Start with liquids, then soft foods, then mechanical's, etc. VERY high protein, lower the carbs, and up my fluids to at least 100 oz. Gonna TRY to expand my exercise too. I have switched the dogs to a morning walk instead of afternnons when it is so hot. I do better then too. Plus, it is fun! today we saw 3 deer, 6 rabbits, and a momma and 4 baby racoons. The deer were too close for my comfort, about 20 feet away.
Let me know if you have any other ideas. (((HUGS))) Elizabeth

Hi Elizabeth!
Too cool about the wildlife...I agree though, 20 feet is a little close to be around deer!
I broke my ankle Friday, so exercise is out for me; but, definitely count me in for the rest!
My endocrinologist already informed me that, because of my PCOS with insulin resistance, I need to keep my total carbs at no more that 10-20 grams per day...I'm going to be sporting feathers and gills by this time next week, from all the chicken and fish I bought yesterday. Oh well, might take my mind off of all the hair that's falling out.

How the heck did you break your ankle??? I know what you mean about feathers, but I hate seafood or fish of anykind. I tolerate beef ok so I might be mooing though! Your hair loss should be stopping soon. I didn't think mine was ever gonna quit! I have never been diag. with PCOS, but have a small cyst now and had one removed at 17 that was the size of a canteloup. The insulin resistance thing, well, I am hypo-glycemic. Have to have something ASAP in the am or I get dizzy and start to black out. I have been told for years that it is a "honeymoon" period before the big D is officailly diagnosed. (one of my arguments in my appeal to insurance.) Ok, I am rambling and trying to avoid dishes, better get, gawd knows they don't get done any other way around here! LOL
Finding your post today has been a god sent for me. I too have hit a plateau and haven't made the century club yet. UGH!! I was feeling like I was going to fail again, and I have came way to far to do that. At my last doctors visit (last week) they told me to go back on the protein drinks and to vary my walks with cardio workouts, so far nothing. I guess time will tell, but I have switched back to strictly water and Crystal Light. So I'm there with you guys also. I would so love to be in a size 14 before September. The only good thing is my blood pressure is good. 90/50 at my appt. I thought it was quite low but they said as long as I'm getting my fluids in and not feeling dizzy I should be fine. My hubby says its because I have no heart. LOL!! I am glad I'm not the only one out there that the scale isn't moving for. They say strength in numbers so maybe we can all join together and break this vicious plateau. Shelly D.