Well I had HEARD that the arterial blood gas draw was supposed to hurt really badly. SURPRISE!
It hurt less and left less of a mark than the regular blood draw!!!! Of course that was luck on the resp. techs part...he didn't hit any nerves near the artery.
The lab guy however...sigh.
He tried one vein, didn't get anything. Tried another...drew fine. left a bruise though that was kinda sore after a while. I'm getting ready to leave and this woman comes running down the hall..."Here you have to drink this before you go and come back in two hours for another blood draw." sigh.
Okay, so two hours passes and we go back in (Mark went with me this morning...he's such a sweetie...) So I ask the same lab guy, "which arm do you want?" he says "Same one" then he goes through the same hole where the bruise is and pokes, then pokes again, then pokes a 3rd and 4th time. The whole time I'm sitting there breaking out in a cold sweat. He finally gives up and says "Let's try the other arm!".
OWWWWWWWW Talk about sting! Jezzopete!
So...now I'm on the countdown. I have my pre-op physical next Thursday at 1:40. Then my sweetie is taking me to Adverntureland that Friday. Then we have a big shindig on Saturday, then Sunday morning before I have to drink my Citrate of Magnesia, we're going for a nice motorcycle ride. (hmmmm...maybe we shouldn't just to be on the safe side)...anyway.
Yes, going through the whole gambit of emotions. Do I, don't I?, Do I? Don't I? Tried THINKING of writing notes to loved ones and Mark like Andrea talked about in her profile...couldn't do it. Couldn't see the paper when I picked up the pen. Won't work. They'll just have to know I love em. Actually went looking for the memorial pages on here and couldn't find them, so I'll take that as a sign that I'm not supposed to see them. Spent some time looking at before and after photos. Doing my breathing exercises every day.
Smoked. I know I know...I quit smoking two years ago. I couldn't help myself. and now I can't have anymore because I'm too close to the date.
Don't want to do anything to jeaprodize the whole thing.
Well, I'm done babbling...just needed to vent.
(I want a ciggie)
Kelly B.

Hey Kelly,
You know if prepare by doing your notes having things in order then when nothing happens it's such a relief! I made that mistake... if there's one thing I would different it's to prepare for WLS... I took way too much for granted. Yes, be optimistic that things will be ok, but be realistic that sometimes there are complications.
I have quit smoking lots of times. The demon ciggie
Keep the faith and know that better days are coming.

You are on your way!! About those letters - they are so hard to write. If you can't do it, that's okay. You'll be around to talk to loved ones after surgery anyway.
Now the cigs, on the other hand are a definite "no no"!! I have smoked for years. Quit once for 3 years and that's when I ballooned to over 350 pounds. Then started again. Had to quit at least 8 weeks before surgery. So, last cig was October 19th, 2003. I feel great without them and know that I couldn't walk as much as I am if I were still smoking. Do I still crave them - yep. Times like fishing - as soon as you get the hook baited and the line in the water, you light up and WHam - you get a hit. Now, there's no smoking, just have to pray for big fish. I also used to go outside with dh after dinner for a smoke while my teenager watched the two little ones. It was Our time - doesn't happen now. Anyway, I fight those urges every day, as well as the urges to graze and eat my day away. Too bad that I just can't have sex all day, cuz it seems that's the only obsession that's left
You can do it, I know it.
God bless,