Not going to meet my goal this week.
My goal for the week was not to barf. That lasted about a half a day. At work no less. The chicken I had last night did not want to stay down at lunch. My friend looked at me after I put down my fork and said, "are you okay?" I replied, "I don't think so." She then reminded me that the woman's restroom is on the opposite side of the hall from the building we work in. I fought the good fight, but the grouchie pouchie won. My surgeon said to me yesterday, "Just remember, your pouch is smarter than you are!" Boy, is he ever right. Fixed meatloaf for supper and that went okay along with mashed potatoes. Seems to be leftovers. I suppose they get a little dried out and I don't take that into account. I will get smarter. I hope.

Oh, Lyn, I can so relate. But have heart, it will get better. When I first started eating solids it was my goal to not get sick. Gradually it got to the point where I would go a week or so between bad times. Now I can't remember the last time I got sick. This week I actually ate a small amount of T-bone steak & it didn't bother me a bit. I believe that was the last kind of food that bothered me. Now I can eat it although only an ounce or so.
Hang in there. It will come.
6 months & -120lbs
Oh, sweetheart, that sounds so miserable. I hated getting sick at work!
I remember reading on the boards after my surgery that someone made pork loin and gravy for a meal. I tried it and it was wonderfull!! Sat in the crock pot for several hours and then made a gravy to so gith it. I was able to have is the next day for lunch - just added some gravy with it.
God bless,
Hey Lyn,
My son teases me that
ing is my way of marking my territory... I have marked several parking lots, roadways and more than an occasional bathroom. Good news is once it's out I feel like a million bucks.
My advice is
#1 Keep necessities in your purse/tote and in your car. I always have moist towelettes, and a toothbrush in my purse, plus a change of clothes in the trunk.
#2 On days the pouch is a grouch eat soup!
Things do get better I get sick lots less now than when I first have the surgery. (maybe twice a month as opposed to 5 times a week at the beginning)
PS... I still don't much meat....even at almost 3 years out. I eat lots of cheese, nuts, and other diary. I eat my protein as snacks through out the day, cheeses, nuts, yogurt, and then meals... it's veggies and the like. Maybe this could work for you also????
take care