More questions
Hello all,
Here are my most recient questions.
1. Does anyone know how to get the liquid Iron down and not feel awful afterward?
2. Is anyone on the vitamins from the bariatric eating web site? Are they good? Could that be my answer to the Iron problem?
3. I am three weeks out and on the pureed diet for another 3 weeks. I am currently eating 2 "meals" a day that are anywhere from 2 - 6 oz. depending on which food I am eating. I am great with eggs, cottage cheese, baby foods, and so on. When can I go to like 3 "meals" a day or add in a "snack"? How much should I eat at a time? I don't know how to tell if I am full, (I don't trust myself, because my mouth usually tells me something different than what is really true--I am working on this). How do I know when to move on or add a little more.
Thanks for the help!
Jackie G.

Hi Jackie
Can't help you out on the Iron & haven't ordered anything from the sites as far as vitamins etc. As far as your eating goes, try 6 small "meals" per day instead of 2. I had the same problem at first not knowing when I was full, but was scared to try more than a few bites so know what you mean. Now I know & thankfully never been sick. It took a while to get a "full" feeling. Would suggest you keep doing like you have been & remember to keep pushing water. Have you tried Carnation Instant Breakfast? Even now 2 months out I get full from that. And that's mixing with 1 cup of mil****eps me full for some time. Personally I love Dannon's yogurt, think it's called 0 Carb or something like that. Goes down great. Especially the vanilla creme. Everyone is different, pouches are different etc so to me it's more of an experiment what will settle with you. Sounds like you are doing great, so keep up the good work.

I never did liquid iron.....I have been on pill form from the begining. Iron pills are really small you shouldn't have a problem with them. Also take them like a couple mintues before you eat, that way you don't leave them on an empty tummy!! I did try the Vista vitamin chewables...all I can say is YUCKY......and I have a few friends that say the same.....ask Andrea! I have never tried the capsules yet! why are you only eating twice a day??? Is that your surgeons orders? you should be eating more than 2 oz 6 times a day......It seems everyone has different plans But eating only twice a day is crazy when you are trying to heal from major surgery!!! You need your strength.....I would call my surgeon! Also some good foods for the pureed menu is Fat free refried beans with cheese....split pea soup.....cottage cheese...carb control yogurt....pudding.....Just try to get your protein......Hang in there it gets easier every week!! Take Care

I wish my Dr. allowed a pill, but that is not the case so currently I am avoiding Iron. I just have not been able to force myself to try it again with water or juice to help it go down. I am a big chicken
Thanks for the advice on the food, I am going to look for the refried beans with cheese (sounds good). I made pudding today and even put banana chunks in it, then when I ate it I squished it through my teeth until liquid. I love it, my daughter says I am making excuses to play with my food like a little kid. I guess I am having too much fun while eating!
Thanks again for the help! I love these boards and look forward to meet you all in person one day.
Jackie G

I don't know anything about liquid iron. I was on pills and had to crush them through probably my third or fourth month. Now, I just dont take them because pills still get stuck for me. I am NOT a good example of how to take vitamins! I agree with Jesi on the vitamins she ordered - YUKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK I took them for a little while and then couldn't stomach them anymore. I take two children's chewables daily (when I remember).
I am wondering the same thing that everyone else is.........why only 2 meals a day? You should follow the guidelines from your surgeon about meals and foods. I was always told to stay around or under 4 oz, but when you are eating soft foods like yogurt, they move through your pouch quickly and therefore you can eat 6 oz at a time. I couldn't tell when I was full either until I really started to think about the feelings in my stomach. I would get what felt like a bubble right in the middle and below the boobs - like where my sternum is. That became my cue that I had had enough, and usually ended up with a burp.
Hope this helps. |Please check with your dietician/surgeon's office as to what they recommend for number of meals.
God bless,
I appreciate the reply. My surgeon's office only states that at the pureed stage you should start off with 2 "meals" a day. But the sheet doesn't say when or how much to advance. I guess I should call, but I hate to be a pain. That office is so busy, and I don't want to take time away from someone else.
Thanks for the info about those vitamins, I thought about trying them. So you don't have any problems with low vitamins and minerals, or do you just put up with not having enough? How will the dr. know if I am taking my Iron or not, maybe I can get enough with the multi and foods?
So what are you studying at school? What class are you finishing up now? I hope all goes well, I really enjoy your posts, you are so good at keeping up on everyone hear and supporting us through this journey! You are TIGGER-IFIC.
Jackie G

My first set of labs was just fine. Everything was right on target. I have another set of labs that I need to get done like NOW because have my 6 month check-up next week. I'm afraid that they will not be as good, but we will see. Do not stop taking any of your vitamins because of my experiences. I think that I have had some low "something" because I have experienced periods of dizziness pretty regularly. You need to keep up on your vitamins and minerals and follow doctor's orders.
Don't worry about being a pain - that's what your surgeon's office is there for. Let them help. Do you have the e-mail address or direct line to the dietician? That may be easier.
School - finishing my master's in Special Education- and done with the part of classes that requires attendance. Have a short 3-5 page paper to write and then have to finish a class independent study. But.............plan to fish and camp with family first!!!
Talk to you soon,
God bless,
Mix the liquid iron with a small amount of juice like orange or apple. This is how I do my iron and as a nurse this is how we administer to patients orally.
As for the vitamins stick with what dr glas****s office told you to use. He is very thorough and what they have on the sheets will meet our bodies needs.
At my pureed stage I started eating three times a day this is what I was told to do. Also drink a cup of milk in between meals to get more protein,
You will know if you ate too much, you feel awful. Hope this helps.
I took the Iron with water once about half and half, and it wasn't too bad but was really heavy in my tummy. Then I took it with Crystal light and that's when I got sick from it. When I get brave again I will try it with some juice, but am afraid because juices tend to be too sweet for me. Maybe if I mix it with mashed potatoes (they sit real good).
And yes I love my Lactose Free Milk, it goes down very good. I never liked milk before surgery and now I love it! go figure.
Jackie G