Things that make you go hmmmmm.
Wierd dream last night.
I was standing in line for something at my surgeon's office with all these skinny people...and I was talking to the person in front of me, Jesi, and turned around and there was Andrea, Stephanie, and a few other folks from here.
There wasn't anything else to it.
So, does that mean you all are going to be really skinny when I meet you? Or does that mean I'm going to remain heavy while you guys get skinny?
Crazy Dreams!
Kelly B.

(In a sing song voice with hips and shoulders going)
Things that make ya go Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................
Things that make ya go Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........
Don't know whether to be scared or flattered that you are dreaming about me
!!! It probably means that you are on the boards looking at our pics TOO MUCH, Girl!!!
[Singing again] Things that make ya go Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.........
In my opinion, it probably means that you are going to be thin when you meet all of us. Now, me, skinny??? Ain't gonna happen!!! Less fat - Yep, that's the one!!
Thanks for the giggle and God bless,

Your dream was right on the mark.......I would be the one in line running my mouth......I NEVER shut-up........I love to talk!!! It is crazy, but I still see myself as heavy in all my dreams.....I wonder if it is just something that will take awhile????? Things that make ya go HHHHHMMMMM for sure......But I won't even try to sing.....I will leave the singing to Andrea! I can't wait for all of us to meet~It'll be a blast