Insurance approval update
You have to love the insurance companies. You simply have to. Carrying that much hate and frustration would make you a very bitter person. I am still 'communicating' with my ins company. More like now my PCP is. She gave them a piece of her mind. I have not been "denied", but am still in the process of "pre-determination". The stage where they gather all the info and THEN decide to approve/deny. Except they keep changing what they what/need for info. I can't weigh on my PCP's scale because I am too heavy. So ins co said Weigh****cher weigh-ins would suffice and would also count as diet counseling / behavior modification etc as long as my PCP recommended and approved WW. Which, of course, she does. So we submit all that and then they say, "OH no...that won't work. We need documentation that she has been seen in your office 6 consecutive months, that she is to heavy for the scale and what you have talked about". So now, I have to see her once a month for 6 months. She was going through my chart for dates that I have been to see her and it is looking like the earliest I could get approved is October. She told them (among other things
) it would have been nice to know about the "6 consecutive months" at the outset. We will succeed. We will remain positive. We will jump through all the hoops. But man....October is a looooonnngggggg way away.........
Apologize for the long post, but now I feel better.
Sheila know what is really frustrating??? A co worker (same ins plan/co ) has had surgery TWICE for gastric reflux. (not LAP either, opened stem to stern, in the hosp a week both times) He never changed his diet or eating habits and would never take any prescribed medicine to reduce acid etc. Just went straight to the surgical 'cure', that has failed both times. He didn't have to jump through the hoops I am. He didn't even have to be 'approved'.

Sheila ~ WOW! Sounds like you got alot going on. I myself am in the waiting process as well, and I guess all I can say is hold your chin up girl just when you least expect it things will fall into place. You sound like me. LOL I am not a paitent person either. I want things to happen like yesterday. It is to bad that a person that desperatly needs a surgery done, expecially one like this, has to wait so long, and has to go through so many hoops just to get their. I am rooting for you, and want you to know that I am saying a prayer for you that things will work out for you sooner rather than later. Hold your chin up, and know that this is a awesome place to come to to vent. I have found out that everyone here is here for support so you vent girl as much as you need to. Take care, and keep a smile on your face! ~ Pam