6/21 Roll call and goals
Good morning everyone,
I guess that I am a little late, but better late then never, right? I am busy wrapping up homework for two classes. Then, I will be done and only have to finish the independent study class. How did you do towards your goals last week? I walked 3.1 miles three days last week. Threw in that extra mile to prepare for a walk in Eldridge, Iowa this summer that is 4 miles. I'm going to try to walk it! (If you're interested, let me know and I will get you information - I would love to have walking buddies!)
Eating is all over the place. I keep grazing and hitting the carbs - even bought more fat free pretzels. So, this week,
1) Exercise at least 4 times
2) Do crunches at least 2 times
3) Fill out self-monitoring log to see how many times I am "binging"
4) Finish homework and wrap up these two classes
5) Limit the carbs/starches
6) Get 64+ oz of fluids in daily
7) Get one protein drink in daily
I know, some of these goals are neverending, sorry. Hope that I can keep them better this week. Now, how did you do and what are your new goals for the week? Hope to hear from you all.
God bless,
lets see my goals are really not drinking and eating or exercising...my goal is to get both my kids rooms clean and my room clean...putting air conditioners in my room and emms room....my mom are getting ready to have a garage sale on july 4th so get things ready for that....what a exciting life i have when my kids are gone........lynda
Hey Andrea and All...
Goals this week
1 Get house organized
2 Exercise
3 Keep my big mouth shut
4 Make amends to couple people (as a result of #3)
5 Take time for reflection and prayer
6 No chocolate covered peanuts (nevermind all ready messed that one up while posting!!!!!! They are devil calling my name!